Dear reader, we present to you our beauty columnist Inessa Tsarkova!
Inessa is an active nutritionist, gastroenterologist, therapist, naturopath and aromatherapist, health coach, integrative medicine doctor with a holistic approach. And now she will share with us her knowledge in the field of both physical and mental health, nutrition and much more.
Friends, what comes in the box of every device we buy? That’s right, instructions for use.
Our body, as a perfect biological system (essentially a biological machine created by nature itself), also has its own operating instructions. It outlines the rules for using our body in such a way that it lasts as long as possible. Meanwhile, geneticists have deciphered the biological life expectancy of the human body, recorded in our genome. And it is not 71 years, as statistics claim today, but almost twice as long – up to 120 years. Even the name “man” includes the minimum period of his existence – a full century.
Why are people living so much shorter? What are we doing wrong?
Inessa Tsarkova
It turns out that the instructions for the use of our body are well known by the body itself. Yes, yes! Nature has arranged everything wonderfully: it gave living organisms intelligence and gave them an inner understanding of how to use it best, what to feed it with and what living conditions to create. All living organisms do this; they live according to the divine plan embedded in their bodies. And what about man? Why is it completely different for him? Man found himself in a special position. He was given intelligence and freedom of choice. And one day something went wrong…
The man deviated from the intended path and chose his own. People began to listen to the “decisions” of their brains and stopped hearing the voice of their bodies and souls. People began to live not in real life, but in virtual life – in thoughts about the past or the future (often anxious and restless). That is why there are many fears and resentments inside us that prevent us from living happily and brightly, from enjoying life. People have lost touch with reality, with the real moment here and now. Human life began to be controlled only by the brain, which knows only what it lives (or hears from others), and whose main function is to protect the body from harm, to inform the body about the danger that awaits it at any moment. Step out into the outside world and create an “emergency evacuation” plan to protect yourself.
The human brain has lost connection with both the body and the soul. It has stopped “listening” to our body’s needs and receiving feedback from it.
He began to act one-sidedly, like a narrow-minded “manager” who does not listen to the wishes and needs of his employees. Therefore, he (and therefore the person) ceased to worry about harmony and spiritual development in body and soul. Therefore, the body began to periodically “scream” about its problems with acute pain or organ dysfunction. Often this forces the brain to make a quick decision – to take a pill, to have an operation to “correct” it, or even to get rid of the diseased organ (if possible). But what about the soul? It continues to whisper quietly about its desires and aspirations, but the brain, busy with its intense activities, does not hear it at all…
So, my dear readers, let’s remember what operating instructions are hidden deep in our body, what laws of life must be followed in order to live a long, healthy, active and happy life that the body can give us. What a shame they don’t talk about this in school, because then there would be much healthier and happier people in the world.
So let us remember the harmony of the trinity: soul, body, and mind. Each has its own desires and needs. And we must learn to hear them and distinguish between them.
The human body, one of the wonders of the world, is a perfect biological machine that is connected to the soul and can either heal or destroy itself according to our decision (conscious or unconscious).
We are the ones who decide every day, every hour, every minute: what to eat, how to move, when to go to bed, and what reaction to choose depending on the situation.
And in order to stay healthy, you first need to slow down, feel life here and now, and open your awareness.
So we understand: the health of our body depends on internal harmony. Moreover, harmony in three components: physical health, mental and spiritual.
Let’s understand how to achieve each of them.
Human. Instructions for use: 5 important points
What does our physical health depend on? What should you pay attention to first? I have written about this in more detail in my previous articles “The factory settings of our body: conditions for a long and healthy life” and “Why do health problems start after the age of 40 and what to do about it?” But now let’s focus on the five components that make up our health.
Number 1. Healthy sleep at the right hours
During sleep, our brain is “cleaned” of all spent neurotransmitters, accumulated toxins and even negative programs. It is the work of night hormones (which need special conditions) that is aimed at “fixing” all the broken mechanisms and structures in our cells, harmonizing the work of our hormonal and nervous systems (which, by the way, control our entire body).
Number 2. Physical culture
Our fluids (blood and lymph) that provide the metabolism in the cells (saturating them with oxygen and nutrients, removing carbon dioxide and metabolic products from them) cannot function properly without movement. Movement (and the best movements are walking) is provided by muscles that contract and relax rhythmically for this purpose, thus activating thousands of pumps that carry out the work of our natural highways.
So first of all, what kind of physical activity do we need?
— Morning exercisesThe name itself evokes its role for our biological machine called the “human body”: we recharge it all day long for the successful implementation of all intended goals and objectives.
— Walking in nature. Those famous 10 thousand steps, but also admiring the natural landscapes and breathing deeply the fresh air.
— Stretching and relaxation after physical and psycho-emotional stress. After all, spasms and overexertion are very harmful to our health. You can read more about practices that will help you cope with stress and tension in my article.
Physical education also includes hardening practices. These are the contrast procedures that our body needs to strengthen its immune system, increase its resistance to harmful environmental factors and develop endurance. Here we are talking primarily about contrast showers, soaking after thermal procedures (in the bathhouse) and regular steaming of the legs. The benefits of a contrast shower are hard to overestimate: it reduces the level of cortisol (stress hormone) in the blood and increases the level of serotonin (hormone of joy and positive attitude) and testosterone (hormone of self-confidence and activity). improves the functioning of capillaries (thereby accelerating the metabolism in cells), improves the functioning of sweat and sebaceous glands, increases the excretory function of the skin. A contrast shower also makes a person cleaner. It “cleans” all negative programs not only from the outside, but also from the inside, activating the lymphatic system and even energetically cleansing it.
Number 3. Healthy eating
It should be diverse, “alive”, intuitive, taking into account the right species composition and species nutrition of the microbial kingdom, which has a significant impact on our immunity, hormonal system and brain (through the gut-brain axis).
It is important not to forget about the water-salt balance (I wrote more about this in this article), working with bad habits, getting rid of food addictions (be sure to re-read the article about coffee and store-bought drinks) and creating a nutritional culture. You can read about the rules for creating a healthy diet in my articles about calories and beauty products.
Nutrition is the building material of our body, the home of the soul in this incarnation. And it must be of high quality so that it does not deteriorate for 50 years, or last for 100, or even 120 years as nature intended.
Moreover, it is very important for our digestive system to rest, as it does for almost all our organs. To do this, it is important to regularly take fasting days or intermittent fasting (for example, on water or, even more effectively, the so-called dry fasting).
You can use the Ekadashi calendar: daily fasting on the 11th and 26th lunar days. What is it and where does it come from, I will definitely tell in my next articles.
But if you have never practiced fasting days, you should start slowly. For example, skip one meal. Then, if the body responds well, skip two meals (for example, breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner). You can fast for a day or a day with vegetables, fruits, juices, herbal teas with honey. The important thing is to proceed gradually, with caution and self-love, according to the condition and readiness of your body. Learn more about how to properly detox in my article of the same name.
Number 4. Mental health
It is important to preserve the youth and activity of not only the body but also the brain. I wrote about this in detail in my article about five habits to stay healthy. It is also important to always maintain a positive attitude that directly affects our health. After all, a person can “invent” a disease for himself and only get sick from it.
Daily practices of gratitude, meditation, creativity, and “talking” to yourself and your soul will help you maintain your mental health.
No. 5. Spiritual personal development
You should start on this path by knowing yourself. You can help this by analyzing your reaction to what is happening (as if you were looking from the outside), by thinking deeply, by going on retreats, by communicating with spiritual teachers and like-minded people.
To harmonize mental health, you need to go through three stages.
— First – Truly know yourself and love yourself. Not selfish love, but deep heartfelt love for a part of God. Understand and believe that the universe created each soul for a purpose. That each person is valuable and an important “detail” within the universe system that fulfills its special role in the universal divine scenario.
— Second – clear your inner space for unconditional love: get rid of internal destructive programs, fears and resentments.
— Third – Engage in self-development and self-realization. Start giving the world your special inner light that is produced by your unconditional love and natural talent. And there is one in every person. You just need to see it and recognize it in yourself.
It is the combination of spiritual and mental components that gives birth to inspiration and allows us to create, provided that we understand our true abilities. Create with great pleasure and joy. This is what makes us truly happy and our bodies healthy. After all, happiness and the light it ignites are what we came to this world to illuminate everything around us.
Source: People Talk
I’m Roger Gritton, and I’ve been writing for the The Fashion Vibes for over 5 years now. My specialty is beauty news; I’m passionate about covering the latest trends, products, and innovations in the industry. In my time there, I’ve become known as an authority on all things beauty-related.
I love discovering new experts to interview, researching up-and-coming ingredients and techniques that are making their way onto our beauty shelves and highlighting people who are making a difference in the world of cosmetics. My work has appeared not only on The Fashion Vibes, but also several other publications including the New York Times Magazine, Allure Magazine and Refinery29.