In the issue of Comedy Club, Pavel Volya joked about the posts of some girls on social networks and showed as an example a photo of a blogger from Kazakhstan. He didn’t like it…
He commented on the photo as follows: “There is such a feminine ostentation that when it is so, it flies, it’s airy, it’s like space. Somewhere between dream and idiot. And for such girls, to fly, if they have a profile picture, then it always looks like this … Everything is floating, everything is at an awkward angle.
The girl did not like it at all, because after this eviction they began to poison and humiliate her. He recorded a video message and said: “In this format, stereotypes about women are often ridiculed in Comedy Club and this is supported by sexist jokes. It’s not funny to me that my photo shines like “damn” at 3.5 million views. I don’t find it funny from the messages they recognize me in, and I find myself in the frame of representing people as the stereotypical “pretty woman” character. I don’t find it funny from the comments below the video, people conclude: “mocking is the truth.”
Source: People Talk
Elizabeth Cabrera is an author and journalist who writes for The Fashion Vibes. With a talent for staying up-to-date on the latest news and trends, Elizabeth is dedicated to delivering informative and engaging articles that keep readers informed on the latest developments.