
Eat, Pray, Love: Foods to Help Manage Stress

Eat, Pray, Love: Foods to Help Manage Stress

In moments when we are faced with stress, we must try all possible methods to combat it. The course includes playing sports, sessions with a psychologist and even taking medicine. And if one finds the only salvation in the latter, we have bad news.

Oddly enough, most tranquilizers that can be bought from pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription either work once or not at all. This is where the placebo effect comes into play, which occurs when the patient believes that his condition will improve after taking the pill.

One way or another, there are solutions that can help with any stress, since they are natural participants in physiological reactions, and when they are deficient, it is more difficult for the body to resist stressors. One such remedy is the amino acid tryptophan.

what is tryptophan

Photo: Pexels

This is an essential amino acid that is not produced by the body itself, but comes only with food. It is involved in the production of the “happiness hormone” serotonin, the “sleep hormone” melatonin and nicotinic acid (vitamin B).3). And its lack is dangerous with apathy, depression, insomnia and anxiety.

What foods contain tryptophan

Photo: Pexels

Food sources of tryptophan are turkey and poultry (dark meat contains less tryptophan than light meat), pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, fish (herring, salmon, mackerel, sardines), eggs, dairy products, dark chocolate, cocoa nibs, tofu and other soy products.

Additional source of tryptophan

Photo: Pexels

In addition to the tryptophan content in some foods, there are dietary supplements containing amino acids. But when using them it is better to consult a specialist. He will tell you in what dosage to take the drug, and also help determine what stage of stress the body is in.

Source: People Talk

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