
List of plans for the summer: the most relevant treatments for the face and body

The best list of the most relevant procedures from Pasikhat Magomedova, plastic surgeon, dermatovenereologist and founder of the COSMOPRO clinical network and the cosmopro-shop.ru online store.

Pasihat Magomedova, plastic surgeon, beautician, dermatologist, founder of the COSMOPRO clinical network

Botox and correction of mimic wrinkles

The brighter the sun, the more we squint our eyes. There are statistics that “crow’s feet” are 30% because we are actively working on facial expressions on a summer day. One of the best and time-tested (and hundreds of clinical studies) correction methods is botulinum toxin injections.

Good news: Doctors working in this field not only correct wrinkles, but also lift the tail of the eyebrow to the temples beautifully. In my medical practice, I have not received any visual confirmation that facial exercises (facial fitness) would help achieve such results. Botulinum treatment gives a quick and long-lasting result, many patients get rid of excessive facial expressions within a year.

Hyperhidrosis and sweating treatment

In the summer, physiology can interfere with personal life, work reputation, and even ruin your own ideas about self-presentation.

Leonardo DiCaprio (Photo: A shot from The Wolf of Wall Street)

But botulinum toxin therapy performs an important social function – it relieves our patients of self-doubt, relieves stress before important meetings.

Good news. The procedure is suitable for patients of any gender and age. Before the procedure, the doctor conducts a special text that describes the “foci” of hyperhidrosis. Most often, patients do not have this pathological condition of the sweat glands, but they choose a single procedure with a prolonged effect (6-8 months).

SMAS removal

This procedure is the leader among body and face contouring and lifting services. After 30-35 years or after childbirth, do you want to tighten “here” and “here” – to remove fat folds and reduce volumes? And so at once, without a long rehabilitation and seasonal restrictions. Familiar? SMAS lifting with the help of altera or ultraformer therapy has long conquered patients all over the world. The procedure instantly tightens the loose skin and “suffocates” fat in the area of ​​​​the second chin, jowl, paint bags (lower eyelid), abdomen, thighs, back of the knees.

Good news: A SMAS treatment lasts at least a year and a half (depending on your lifestyle). This is an excellent prevention of age-related changes: clinical data show that “this is how you can freeze your youth.” Complex preparation is not required, it can be done before the holidays, their skin integrity is not damaged in any way. A significant lifting effect will delight in two weeks and increase in six months.

contour plastic

Contouring is an art equal in complexity to plastic surgery. With the help of fillers based on hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite, in 30 minutes you can solve a number of tasks: correct facial asymmetry, smooth wrinkles and dark circles in the lower eyelids and lip area, do non-surgical rhinoplasty, correct the angles of the chin and jaw. As a rule, depending on the indications, this procedure is carried out mono or in combination with smas-lifting or botulinum therapy.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty Photo: Cosmopro

Good news. This is not just the correction of natural asymmetry. The Doctor gives a new sense of self. Unlike make-up, the “new” face will always be with you, not just on special occasions. Most likely, makeup and make-up after plastic surgery will no longer seem like an everyday must-have.

Polylactic acid injections

At the age of 37-45, it is important to carry out competent prevention: during this period, its own collagen is practically not produced. Childbirth, hormonal changes, weight fluctuations, stress, genetic factors increase fading. In response to this acute question in aesthetic medicine, new methods appeared – injections of polylactic acid.

Simply put, the procedures of aesthetic medicine today “copy” the processes occurring in the body. Such therapy based on polylactic acid simultaneously acts as a rejuvenating lifting procedure and a unique technique for the formation of additional volumes in the body area – for example, on the buttocks.

Good news. Therapy stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen by about 30-40%, a pronounced visual effect lasts from three years. In addition, the drug stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid, whose function is to retain moisture in the deep layers of the skin.

Biorevitalization and bioreparation

All processes in the skin are interconnected, as well as the work of the epidermis and dermis. It is impossible to separate skin moisture from rejuvenation processes. Dehydrated skin cannot be young, elastic, the process of hyperkeratosis is immediately observed (thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin – rough, rough skin), hence a dull skin. Dehydrated skin always contains fragile collagen and elastin – wrinkles, age spots and enlarged pores appear. The leading positions in solving this problem are occupied by biorevitalization and bioreparation procedures. What is their difference? These are injection procedures based on hyaluronic acid, but bioreparation is considered a new stage in the development of the direction: additional components are added to hyaluronic acid. For example, peptide complexes, vitamins, microelements, trehalose. Biorevitalizants not only moisturize the skin, for example, correct pigmentation, acne, premature aging, and some components prolong the action of hyaluronic acid (for example, trehalose).

Biorevitalization Photo: Cosmopro

Good news: Today, there are different techniques for the administration of drugs. There is a papular technique (dozens of bumps on the skin) that requires some social security or isolation. And there is a dermal one – the doctor injects the drug into the deeper layers of the skin to strengthen, strengthen: in this case, there is no social isolation. You can return to your normal routine immediately.

Recommendation: Remember that you should not sign up for biorevitalization the day before the vacation and the beach. At least due to the active sun, age spots may remain where there are traces of fresh injections – this is the reaction of unhealed skin to the sun’s rays. Plan the procedure at least a week before the holiday – the drug will be absorbed by the skin, and the reflection in the mirror will be pleasing to the eye.

Source: People Talk

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