Anna Peresild posted a photo on her Telegram channel showing her in a backless dress. The young actor was criticized in the comments made to the photo. Some noted that the outfit did not match the star’s age.
Loyal fans stood up for the artist. According to them, a girl can dress however she wants. “Okay, first of all, she is 15 years old and secondly, this is not a revealing dress, only the back is visible”, “Does the dress show a certain age or something?” – Anna’s fans write.
Let’s remember that before the personal life of a celebrity has become the subject of discussion. Ok! Awards “More than Stars” Anna was rewarded with an affair with 24-year-old Lev Zulkarnaev. Peresild declined to comment. However, the actor clarified the situation.
By the way, before that, Anna was suspected of having an affair with 17-year-old Yaroslav Mogilnikov. Internet users came to this conclusion after seeing their cute photos together.
Source: People Talk
Mary Crossley is an author at “The Fashion Vibes”. She is a seasoned journalist who is dedicated to delivering the latest news to her readers. With a keen sense of what’s important, Mary covers a wide range of topics, from politics to lifestyle and everything in between.