While embarking on a sold-out European tour, Taylor Swift faced a terrorist threat that endangered her fans around the world. Two weeks ago, her concerts scheduled in Vienna, Austria, were the target of a planned attack. Last Wednesday, August 7, three suspects were arrested: one of them was in possession of bladed weapons, explosives and detonators with the aim of committing suicide and killing himself. “kill a large number of people” having to attend one of the singer’s shows scheduled for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. A very serious suicide attack that also involved the American National Security Council, as reported by colleagues at Libération.
Fortunately, the attack was foiled by local authorities, with the help of American authorities:
“The United States shared information with (our) Austrian partners to help counter a threat to Taylor Swift’s concerts,” council spokesman John Kirby said.
As a safety measure, the three dates initially planned in the Austrian capital were therefore immediately cancelled. The singer had not yet spoken out on the matter… But she decided to break her silence during the day Wednesday 21st August 2024.
An Instagram rant that comes two weeks after potential drama… by choice
It is in an Instagram post that has so far collected almost 4.8 million “likes” that the American superstar addressed his audience: “We have officially closed our European tour. With it came the most passionate audiences I have ever performed for, new performance traditions and a completely new and different era (…)”
She explains itchose to wait until the European part of the “Tour of the Eras” he has finished expressing himselfbecause he feared that any premature speech would foment hatred towards the criminals concerned or would be perceived as a provocation on his part:
“Let me be very clear: I will not speak publicly about an issue if I know that doing so would provoke those who would harm fans who attend my concerts. In cases like this, silence means exercising restraint and waiting to speak up at the appropriate time. My priority was to complete the European tour safely, and it is with great relief that I can say today that we have done so.”
Instagram @Taylorswift
Taylor Swift felt ‘huge guilt’ towards her fans
Following the cancellation of her Austrian dates, the American singer-songwriter admitted feel a “enormous sense of guilt” towards his audience:
“The cancellation of our concerts in Vienna was devastating. The reason for these cancellations filled me with a feeling of fear and a huge sense of guilt because there were so many people who had planned to come to these concerts.”
Instagram @Taylorswift
But the singer wanted to remain positive despite everything: she expressed her gratitude to the authorities who managed to foil the attack and helped save the lives of thousands of innocent people: “I am also very grateful to the authorities, because thanks to them we mourn concerts and not lives.”
For now, the “Tour of the Eras” is on hiatus. American fans of the “Blank Space” singer will have to wait a bit longer to find her. Come on, just two months to wait!
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Source: Madmoizelle
Mary Crossley is an author at “The Fashion Vibes”. She is a seasoned journalist who is dedicated to delivering the latest news to her readers. With a keen sense of what’s important, Mary covers a wide range of topics, from politics to lifestyle and everything in between.