
Scientists discover a way to make people more hypnotizable through electrical brain stimulation

Scientists have found a way to hypnotize people more easily – by sending electrical waves through their brains.

Hypnosis, an altered state of consciousness and increased relaxation that allows for better focus and concentration, has been used for years to treat chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, in which patients experience extreme pain when moving their bodies.

But the treatment option — which aims to change the way a person experiences pain to relieve symptoms — has failed for many who have not been effectively hypnotized.

Now, however, researchers have… Stanford University California says he has “cracked the code” to greatly increase the chances of a patient being hypnotized.

In a study of 80 people with fibromyalgia, half received electrical waves in the prefrontal cortex – an area at the front of the brain involved in processing pain.

The results showed that participants who received the electrical stimulation were significantly easier to hypnotize.

Researchers at Stanford University in California say they have ‘cracked the code’ to greatly increase a patient’s chance of being hypnotized (stock photo)

About four million adults in the United States suffer from fibromyalgia, while another 51 million suffer from chronic pain – pain that they have struggled with for years without relief.

Many of these adults may also be overweight or obese, have unhealthy diets, or lack exercise, and some may be offered hypnosis to treat their pain.

During a hypnosis session performed by a psychiatrist, patients are described as being placed in a trance state in which they have improved focus and concentration.

Patients are first asked to relax and imagine a pleasant place, such as a beach or a tropical island. During the session, psychiatrists then suggest that when they feel pain, they feel sensations associated with these places.

Experts say it helps change the way patients perceive and respond to pain signals from their bodies.

Other treatment options for fibromyalgia include pain medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes such as a better diet and more exercise.

For the study, participants were divided into two groups upon arrival at the clinic.

They received two 46-second applications of electrical waves to their brains, delivering 800 pulses during each session. The wrist is not believed to hurt or cause discomfort.

These were delivered using a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) device attached to the head.

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The second group of participants received a placebo treatment in which a device was placed on their heads that mimicked the TMS machine but did not emit electrical pulses.

The researchers conducted a hypnosis session with each patient before and immediately after they were exposed to the TMS device.

They also held another hypnosis session an hour after the treatment.

The study was double-blind, meaning that neither patients nor researchers knew who was in which group.

The results showed that participants who received the treatment were significantly more likely to be hypnotized afterwards – but the effects wore off within an hour.

No effect was found in the placebo treatment group.

Doctors assessed how hypnotizable a patient was using a medically approved questionnaire.

Dr. Noah Williams, a psychiatrist involved in the study, said: “We were pleasantly surprised that with 92 seconds of stimulation we were able to change a stable brain property that people have been trying to change for 100 years.”

“We finally cracked the code on how to do it.”

Dr. Afik Faerman, a psychiatrist who was also involved in the study, added: “We know that hypnosis is an effective treatment for many different symptoms and disorders, especially pain.”

“But we also know that not everyone benefits equally from hypnosis.”

Research shows that about two thirds of the population are susceptible to hypnosis, while another 15 percent are considered very susceptible.

The study was published in the journal Nature Mental Health.

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