‘The House of the Dragon’: The imperceptible exchange of actors in the last episode

‘The House of the Dragon’: The imperceptible exchange of actors in the last episode

“House of the Dragon” has finished its first season, but news and details about the series continue to reach our ears. This time around, there was an interesting revelation about the characters of the twins Ser Arryk Cargyll and Ser Erryk Cargyll, played by Luke and Elliott Tittensor respectively. These actors are twins both in fiction and outside of it, and this gave them some advantages when it came to solving problems in production. While filming the last episode, Elliot contracted COVID and, unable to go to the recording studio, his brother Luke had to take over the role of his character, Ser Erryk.

‘The House of the Dragon’: The imperceptible exchange of actors in the last episode

Greg Yaitanes, director of the last chapter, revealed this detail in the Entertainment Weekly podcast, West of Westeros, where he talked about this change of actors. Ser Erryk Cargyll (Elliott Tittensor) sides with Rhaenyra (Emma D’Arcy) and the Blacks, and his twin Ser Arryk Cargyll (Luke Tittensor) goes the other way, the Greens, led by the newly crowned Aegon II Targaryen (Tom Glynn- Carney). Ser Erryk escapes from King’s Landing after Aegon II’s coronation and steals Viserys’ (Paddy Considine) crown to give to Rhaenyra on Dragonstone. However, the actor who comes from the capital to defend the legitimate black queen is not Elliott Tittensor, but his twin Luke.

“There’s that scene, that big scene where Corlys (Steve Toussaint) gets out and they’re putting the markers on the table, and the messenger comes in.”Yaitanes contextualized one of the sequences in which this exchange of actors takes place. “It was a recovery that went on for two days and then one had COVID. (Elliott) had COVID, so we changed it to his brother.” explained the director of the exchange of these twin actors.

Additionally, Yaitanes explained that another was added to this confusion, due to the similarities between some character and actor names. Luke Tittensor, who plays Ser Arryk, shares the name with one of the characters in the series, Luke Velaryon, the son of Rhaenyra, played by Elliot Grihault. And this actor in turn should not be confused with the actor who gives life to Ser Erryk, Elliott Tittensor.

too many similar

The director of the episode explained all these similarities between the names, making it clear that this implied that certain confusions were produced. “The way this all came to me was through the broken phone”he joked. Also, Yaitanes said that if Luke hadn’t been able to replace his twin, he would have been “would have killed”specifying that it was very appropriate and it was possible to take advantage of the situation to solve the problem of the actor’s dismissal. “We were going to do all the coverage of Emma and he’s right next to (them)” explained the manager.

Source: E Cartelera

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