After debuting with Netflix in the series ‘Heartstopper’, the actor Joe Locke was chosen to work alongside Kathryn Hahn in the spin off of ‘WandaVision’ titled ‘Agatha: Coven of Chaos’which prepares for the end of 2023 in the Disney + catalog and will bring magic back to the Marvel universe.
Exclusively for Variety, it has been made official Joe Locke joins the Marvel Cinematic Universe to participate in the “Agatha: Coven of Chaos” series and will work closely with protagonist Kathryn Hahn, who returns to give life to the witch Agatha Harkness who opposes the Disney + series “WandaVision”.
At the moment Marvel Studios have not officially confirmed this information, however the information coincides with a recent leak that has ensured the search for an actor with a description similar enough to that of Joe Locke to be part of the cast of this long-awaited spin off. . , so that fan theories began to become popular on social networks.
What character does Joe Locke play in Marvel?
Since the news has just been reported by Variety and wonder decided to keep quiet, impossible to confirm which character Joe Locke plays in the seriesAgatha: Coven of Chaos’, but since there are a few rumors about it and the name of the series makes a clear reference to Scarlet Witch, the’ Heartstopper ‘star is expected to be a powerful comic book wizard.
For its Spanish translation, the title of the series refers to a “coven of chaosWhich makes it clear that there may be more than one character with magic present and that Scarlet Witch, who can control chaos magic, will play a major role in the plot, which is why one of Wanda’s sons is expected to be seen in la history.
According to Marvel rumors, Billy alias Wiccan, one of the 2 sons of Wanda Maximoff in the comics, will be present in this new Disney + series, however it will not be the child version starring Julian Hilliard in theWanda Vision’but there would be a youth variant with a new actor.
With the confirmation of the protagonist of ‘Heartstopper’ in ‘Agatha: Coven of Chaos’, Marvel fans have begun to speculate that Joe Locke will play Billy, the son of Scarlet Witch who in the comics is a superhero known as a Wiccan. and she has powers like Wanda Maximoff even though she’s not that strong.
By Jared Solis
Source: Nacion Flix
Crystal Leahy is an author and health journalist who writes for The Fashion Vibes. With a background in health and wellness, Crystal has a passion for helping people live their best lives through healthy habits and lifestyles.