James Gunn reveals big-name writers will be coming aboard DC’s GREEN LANTERN series

James Gunn reveals big-name writers will be coming aboard DC’s GREEN LANTERN series

Head of the DC, James Gunnrevealed the writers who have come aboard his DC Green Lantern series, Lanterns.

In a recent Instagram post, Gunn said, “Yes, that’s right. The Lanterns The DCU series is assembling an exceptional writing team, based on a wonderful pilot script and a bible of Chris Mundy, Tom King, AND Damon Lindelof.

“A warm welcome to Chris and @damonlindelof as they join the DC Studios family (no welcome needed for ol’ @tomking_tk, who’s been here almost since the beginning).”

When the series was first announced a year ago, Gunn and Pietro Safran described it as “a huge, HBO-quality television event. It is already in development. And our view on that is very much in line with True detective.

“It’s land-based. He has two of our favorite Green Lanterns, Hal Jordan and Jon Stewart, played in a True Detective style, mystery type and plays a really important role in the main story that we’re telling through our film and television. So this is a very important show for us.”

These are great writers on board the series! Damon Lindelof is best known for creating Lost AND Guardiansas well as writing Star Trek Into Darkness AND World War Z. Chris Mundy wrote about the shows Bloodline, OzarksAND True detective. Tom King wrote the comic Supergirl: the woman of tomorrow. It looks like it’s shaping up to be a solid TV project for DC. Lanterns it is still in the early stages of development.

Stay tuned for updates as it progresses.

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by Jessica Fisher
Source: Geek Tyrant

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