
Director Edgar Wright says Hollywood franchises should learn to take breaks ‘to let audiences get excited again’

Director Edgar Wright says Hollywood franchises should learn to take breaks ‘to let audiences get excited again’

Director Edgar Wright he made many great original films like Night of the Living Dead, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Child driverAND Last night in Sohoand with a great track record in Hollywood, he has opinions on how franchises should be run. His point of view comes more from a fan’s perspective, but it’s valuable in that sense, as it represents what many fans might think as well.

Wright recently met the Happy Sad Confused podcast (via IndieWire) and talked about the current state of Hollywood’s intellectual property addiction. Without calling out any franchise by name, Wright expressed frustration at the lack of breathing room when it comes to movie studios having to plan and date multiple franchise films over the course of a few years.

“One of the problems with movie franchises is sometimes when they announce – I’m not mentioning names or anything – when they announce huge slates of movies and TV shows […] there is the danger of killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. It’s a strange thing: if I could go back to when I was a young movie buff, and I just enjoyed a movie, and people said, “Guess what?” There will be one every three years for the rest of your life.’ I’d say, “Really?!” This is the thing that saddens me, the lack of investment in new films.”

We all know who he’s talking about here. But it’s easy to argue both sides. I know how excited we will be when Marvel launches the next phase and we see what happens in the next year or two. But I imagine it would be just as exciting if there were half as many films on the list, or if we just learned about the next project or two well in advance. It’s hard to know what the best solution is. It’s probably just a preference. But there’s merit to it either way, I guess. What do you think?

by Jessica Fisher
Source: Geek Tyrant

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