Jennifer Aniston paid tribute to his deceased Friends Co-star Matthew Perry in an Instagram story on Tuesday, November 28. In celebrating the day, which became known as Giving Tuesday, she asked her fans to donate to the Matthew Perry Foundation, which works to help others struggling with substance abuse. She shared a post from the organization about her story about him, which included a quote from the actor about addiction.
Along with the post, Jennifer said that Matthew would be grateful to anyone who supported the organization. “For #GivingTuesday, join me and Matty’s family in supporting his foundation, which works to help those suffering from addiction,” she wrote alongside a white heart emoji. “I would have been grateful for the love.”
Jennifer echoed Matthew’s stepfather’s sentiments. Keith Morrison who also asked his followers to donate to Giving Tuesday. “This proposal is not the kind of thing I usually do. But this year is different,” she wrote in a post on X (formerly Twitter). “And tomorrow is Giving Tuesday. Do what you can; he would have been grateful.
Shortly after Matthew’s death at age 54 in October, his loved ones launched the Matthew Perry Foundation to honor his legacy by helping others struggling with substance abuse. “The Matthew Perry Foundation is the fulfillment of Matthew’s lifelong commitment to helping others struggling with the disease of addiction. “He will honor his legacy and be guided by his own words and experiences and driven by his passion to make a difference in as many lives as possible,” the foundation’s mission statement states.
Jennifer posted her statement regarding Matthew’s death on Instagram on Nov. 15. “Having to say ‘goodbye’ to our Matty was a crazy amount of emotions that I had never felt before. “We all experience loss at some point in our lives,” she wrote in part. “Being able to truly SIT into this pain allows you to feel moments of joy and gratitude for having loved someone so deeply. And we loved him deeply.
Source: Hollywood Life
Ashley Root is an author and celebrity journalist who writes for The Fashion Vibes. With a keen eye for all things celebrity, Ashley is always up-to-date on the latest gossip and trends in the world of entertainment.