Last month during Anime NYC 2022, HIDIVE announced 5 anime titles that would be part of their simulcast lineup for the Winter 2023 season. These titles included Spy classroom, Kubo won’t let me be invisible, My Life as a Dog by Inukai-san, Endo and Kobayashi live! The latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotteand Tsurune – The Linking Shot – (second season). More recently, the anime streaming service announced two more titles joining the simulcast lineup: Farm life in another world and Ippon! Still.
Farm life in another world is based on the 12-volume fantasy light novel series by Kinosuke Naito. The anime adaptation is directed by Ryōichi Kuraya (Overlord) with Touko Machida (My master has no tail) writing it and Zero-G doing the animation.
Life cut short by illness at just 39, Machio Hiraku knows not to take simple blessings for granted. When a divine figure gives him the chance to live again, Hiraku has only the simplest of wishes for his new life: to be healthy, live in peace, speak the local language and spend his days on an idyllic farm. Fresh air, sunshine, honest work and good company come together to form the happy and peaceful existence Hiraku has always dreamed of.
Meanwhile, Ippon! Still is based on the 20-volume sports drama manga by Yu Muraoka. Takeru Ogihara will make his television directorial debut with the anime written by Aya Satsuki (My master has no tail) and animation by Tatsunoko Production’s Bakken Record.
After one last tournament and an embarrassing loss in the finals, Michi decides to give up the sport of judo. Between high school socials and entrance exams, he won’t have time to compete in the martial art he loves most, but putting old hobbies aside is a normal part of growing up. However, the love for judo persists and he comes back in full swing when he meets his new classmate Towa, the girl who bested Michi in his final bout! Towa wants to start a judo club at their school, but she’ll need new members to make it work. United by a love of judo, they will pool their passions in the ring and score ippon again!
What are you excited to stream this winter?
by Tommy Williams
Source: Geek Tyrant
Bernice Bonaparte is an author and entertainment journalist who writes for The Fashion Vibes. With a passion for pop culture and a talent for staying up-to-date on the latest entertainment news, Bernice has become a trusted source for information on the entertainment industry.