I have watched and re-read all of Harry Potter and have found 5 moments in the books that are inferior to the films.

I have watched and re-read all of Harry Potter and have found 5 moments in the books that are inferior to the films.

I have watched and re-read all of Harry Potter and have found 5 moments in the books that are inferior to the films.

Photo source: Still from the movie “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”

I have watched and re-read all of Harry Potter and have found 5 moments in the books that are inferior to the films.

Photo source: Still from the movie “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”

Even Yates managed to outdo Rowling.

Like most fans of the Boy Who Lived books, I think the film adaptations have become noticeably worse than the original. But it would be completely wrong to deny that there are plenty of episodes in the films that reveal Harry Potter and his friends much better.

For example, in The Chamber of Secrets, when Dobby did his best to prevent Potter from getting into Hogwarts, in the book the elf simply dropped the pudding on the floor, with no witnesses, but in the film it seems as if Harry deliberately left the dessert on the floor. head of the boss’s wife, Vernon. So the uncle’s anger is much easier to justify.

The film adaptation of The Prisoner of Azkaban stands out as one of the most radical inconsistencies with the book, with Peter Pettigrew being discovered on the Marauder’s Map by Lupine, and not Harry. And the face-to-face meeting with Snape in the film is realized in a much more atmospheric way – in pitch darkness and without witnesses.

In the film “The Half-Blood Prince” Dumbledore had to break the unwritten rule of Hogwarts – to cross the boundaries with Potter, which he could not do in the book. The film showed us that only Albus is worthy of such a privilege.

Finally, in the second part of “The Deathly Hallows” it is necessary to highlight two strong moments that were not in the book. Here is the appearance of Potter in the great hall of Hogwarts before Snape, and the uplifting speech of Neville, who managed to find the right words to encourage the friends of the deceased, as everyone thought, Harry.

In the book, the Death Eaters made fun of Longbottom by setting fire to the sorting hat.

We previously wrote about how the creators of the Game of Thrones series spoiled Littlefinger, making him stupid and less treacherous than in the books

Author: Alexey Pletkin

Source: Popcorn News

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