How to pass an interview and in what ways Americans are better than Russians.
Knowing how human psychology works not only makes life easier, but also provides additional tools of influence. To master useful tricks, you don’t need to read multi-page tomes or buy courses from experts; you just need to read useful material on the Internet.
Here are 23 psychological techniques that will help even in the most difficult life situations and protect you from bad experiences:
For example, one of the most common problems for the workforce is a job interview. No matter how many attempts are made, every time a conversation with personnel officers and bosses frightens and confuses the thoughts. To increase your chances of success, remember one of the attitudes in a person’s mind: the beginning and end of a movie, lecture, or conversation are most well remembered. Therefore, on the day of the job interview, you should try to be first or last in line and end the interaction on a positive note.
Or you can give a small compliment to your future boss. This way of doing things is characteristic of Americans, but has not yet taken root in Russia. But in vain, an elegant compliment easily puts you in a positive mood and puts your interlocutor in a positive mood. This way it is much easier to please someone in personal communication, the main thing is that the praise is unobtrusive.
Marketers also use psychological tricks. Often in stores, goods that need to be sold faster or in greater volumes are placed between analogues of a lower and higher price. The buyer’s attention is therefore immediately focused on the average price tag.
Photo source: Legion-Media
Author: Vasilisa Mironova
Source: Popcorn News

Kenneth Weaver is an author at “The Fashion Vibes”. He focuses on writing about celebrity-related news, keeping his readers up to date with the latest happenings in the entertainment industry. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for writing, Kenneth brings his unique perspective to every article he writes, making him a trusted source for all things celebrity.