Supernatural, the science fiction thriller that tells the story of two brothers who go in search of their father, has a huge fan base around the world. The series premiered on September 13, 2005 but is still popular with viewers.
If you don’t know what to see in the cold autumn, we found a great option for you. And for those who have long reviewed all the episodes, we invite you to remember the actors of the project and find out how much they earn now.
Leading actors Jensen Ackles (Sam Winchester) and Jared Padelecki (Dean Winchester) shared the first place in the rating. The fortune of each of them is estimated at 14 million dollars (1.34 billion rubles). Note ed.).
Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who plays John Winchester, took third place. His annual earnings reach 12 million dollars (1.1 5 billion rubles – Note ed.). Fourth – Rick Springfield, reincarnated as rock musician Vince Vincent, with $ 10 million (963 million rubles – Note ed.), fifth – Amanda Tapping, who played the role of Naomi, with $ 5 million (481 million rubles – Note ed.).
Misha Collins, who plays Castiel, ranked only 15th. His fortune is estimated at $2 million (RUB192 million – Note ed.), Just Jared reporting.
We previously told you who is the richest woman among foreign celebrities according to Forbes.
Source: People Talk
Errol Villanueva is an author and lifestyle journalist who writes for The Fashion Vibes. With a passion for exploring the latest trends in fashion, food, travel, and wellness, Errol’s articles are a must-read for anyone interested in living a stylish and fulfilling life.