
Alien life: what is the real cause of irritability and burnout?

Most likely, you have experienced strong irritation more than once. Everything seems fine, but some situations, things, people, words suddenly start to create aggression, anger, rage in him. want to explode Familiar?

Agree, feelings are not pleasant, and their deception is that all areas of your life suffer from them. You attack innocent people, you cannot focus on your work. You spend your nerves and time on what you think and think, how this taxi driver or seller pissed you off. While they don’t suspect it, they calmly tease someone else right now.

We talked to psychologist Irina Barbat to understand where the irritability comes from.

Irina Barbat, psychologist

Irritability is the result of aggression

Aggression It’s a completely normal feeling. It’s in our nature. For many generations, aggression has lived and grown in our ancestors. Earlier, it manifested itself as a tool for survival on a primitive biological level. there is another feeling anger. It is also a result of aggression. But anger is usually directed at something or someone in particular.

and here irritability It is a cumulative emotion. Irritation occurs when you are in an uncomfortable situation for a while, unable to meet your needs. For example, you are hungry because you do not have time to have breakfast. You feel the feeling of hunger on a physical level, it interferes with normal work, problem solving. And to get angry at every little thing, you start offending others. Here is the mechanism for you.

Irritability can happen to anyone. But the duration of this feeling depends on the individual characteristics of the psyche and nervous system. People with a strong nervous system and a stable psyche experience irritation for a short time. People with an unstable mental system can shower others with anger for hours or even days. By the way, with age, the level of irritation only increases. This is because mental stability suffers over the years. If you look at older people, you may notice grumpy old women or old men who get angry for no reason.

It is also worth mentioning the hormone that provokes an unpleasant feeling. This adrenalin, a sharp increase in blood can lead to health problems at the physical level. These include: high blood pressure, frequent headaches and even migraines, poor sleep, insomnia and nausea.

Irritability also occurs on a physiological level. Fatigue, hunger, insomnia, thirst, lack of sexual ejaculation – all this causes irritability.

Still from the movie: “Always say yes”

Psychological factor in the formation of irritability

You will often see acquaintances or colleagues who seem successful and happy. You start asking yourself these questions: “Why am I not like this? Why can’t I do the same?” These thoughts can lead to feelings of inferiority. Low self-esteem makes you constantly compare with others. Irritability and burnout may be caused by not paying enough attention to your needs and desires. You try to meet social expectations and forget what you need. This leads to fatigue. and can cause irritability.

Social factor of irritability

These are status, marital status, financial difficulties and other situations. When you’re uncomfortable and flutter like a fish on ice to change your life, that causes irritability.

You literally feel like you’re living someone else’s life. Not at all what I want. Today turns into Groundhog Day and you automatically begin to experience it. In a series of days there are no pleasures, no pleasant moments. And not because they really don’t exist. But for not noticing them. Your focus is on what is wrong. And the reason is your negative emotions. This can lead to emotional exhaustion.

Burnout Syndrome is a progressive emotional exhaustion.

In this syndrome, there are no positive emotions that contribute to the production of happiness hormones. And now you don’t want anything anymore, no emotion, nothing – emptiness. Hands go down. I want to escape And get rid of this hateful alien life.

A still from the movie: “Twilight. epic. New month”

How to deal with irritability

To avoid this, it’s important to learn to listen to your inner voice and make time for your hobbies and interests. It is also worth taking the time to rest and relax. This will help you feel more confident and happy.

Finally, remember that each person has their own path. Don’t compare yourself to others and don’t expect your life to be exactly the same as someone else’s. Remember that you are unique and have your own strengths.

Source: People Talk

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