
Are you a mouse? Yes, I am a mouse. Do you have female friendships?

“There is no female friendship, friendship between a man and a woman is impossible” – this is the opinion of many. But I want to ask: then who should the girls be friends with?

The friendship of women is constantly criticized. It is believed to be built only on trade, jealousy and rivalry.

Indeed, any of us at least once heard a story about disappointment in a friend, and someone himself faced betrayal. But does that mean there is no real female friendship? Of course not.

We all understand friendship differently. Someone sees a friend as a person with whom you can share difficulties, for others, he is someone with whom he had a great time, and for others, he is a person who is not afraid to entrust all secrets.

Theoretically, friendship is a relationship independent of gender and age. They are based on trust and shared hobbies. This connection is also not measured over time: It may be lifelong, but it may be situational.

But there are myths about female friendship, and with the help of a specialist in this material – psychologist Ekaterina Sivanova – we will get rid of them with pleasure.

Ekaterina Sivanova, psychologist

Friendship is an equal relationship with a certain level of trust. There can be no protection or salvation in it. People accept each other as they are, and these relationships have no gender difference. Friendship manifests itself in the selection process: whether you choose this person or not.

What can you say about female friendship?

I’m pretty sure female friendship exists because I have real girlfriends. And it doesn’t need proof: it exists or it doesn’t. Only those who have never been true friends doubt it.

Are there differences between male and female friendships?

Shot from the movie “Love, Rosie”

Like I said, friendship has no gender. There are some differences only due to the characteristics of men and women.

– Competition will always be higher in the women’s team. Also, since women are by nature concerned with feelings, emotions and intuition, their relationships will be more emotional.

– Men’s relationships are based on logic.

A person first thinks, then decides and only then feels.

On the contrary, a woman first feels, then makes a decision and only then thinks. This is the harmony of our world. We are different and complement each other.

Consider the situation: your husband goes to your girlfriend – how to look after female friendship in this case?

This begs the question: was there friendship here? In this union there was, by definition, jealousy. The situation is the same for men and women. Few people in life are ready to honestly admit that they are jealous.

Why does a real female friendship end?

Frame from the movie “Bride Wars”

Any relationship falls apart when the balance is disturbed.

Example: The two girls have been friends since high school. They grow up, one marries an oligarch, the other an alcoholic, and after a while his marriage breaks down, he picks up his children and leaves her. After the divorce, the girls continue to be friends and support each other. The oligarch’s wife notes that her friend is having a hard time and needs psychological help, but she cannot afford a proven expensive specialist. Then the girl bears these costs herself, and her friend accepts help with sincere gratitude. Then she gave gifts to her children, joint trips at the expense of her oligarch husband, etc. It is added to the financial support. It seems that everything is fine, but the girl, having accepted material assistance, cannot return the “debt” to her friend, and a feeling of discomfort begins to grow in her about this inequality.

What happened? A “savior” appeared in their relationship, and with a high probability this friendship is doomed. From where?

Because most likely they won’t be able to talk about it. They have already missed the moment when it is possible to determine the frame.

An important clarification: People can support each other in different situations, but this support should be on the same level emotionally and financially.

People of different financial status can also be friends, but then they need to understand and accept this inequality.

How is friendship maintained for years to come?

A shot from the series “Knock on my door”

Don’t break the balance. Everyone should be friends the same way.

The friendship that develops during the school years can only survive if people can negotiate and accept each other’s changes. Here it is extremely important to understand that your 30-year-old classmate is different from the person you are sitting at the same table with.

Source: People Talk

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