
Research: The Fastest Moving Stars in the Galaxy May Be Controlled by Aliens

Research: The Fastest Moving Stars in the Galaxy May Be Controlled by Aliens

Do you like movies about space and UFOs? Flying saucers have been a fixture in science fiction blockbusters for many years. Maybe a new study will revolutionize the scientific understanding of our Universe. Scientists suggest that advanced civilizations could navigate the galaxy by controlling the stars rather than flying in UFOs.

A still from the movie “Arrival”

Philosopher Dr. from the Free University of Brussels. According to Clement Vidal, the fastest moving stars in the galaxy can be controlled by intelligent aliens. The great distances between stars make travel extremely time-consuming and risky. So instead of leaving the comforts of their home systems, some spacefaring races may decide to take their solar systems with them on a journey, experts say, reports the Daily Mail.

According to the research, if aliens found a way to force their stars to shoot matter in one direction, they could create a “star engine” that could travel at 1,609 kilometers per second. While this may seem like a strange assumption, Dr. Vidal says this could become a reality in the Milky Way. According to him, there are stars in our galaxy that are suitable for being engines.

There are two main reasons why an advanced alien race would need to travel the galaxy. Dr. “Two universal evolutionary motivations will make interstellar travel a necessity for any long-lived civilization: survival and reproduction,” Vidal writes in his paper.

Whatever the reason, the scientist explains that any spacefaring alien will soon face the “tyranny of the rocket equation.” This formula for calculating the speed of rockets means that to travel through the Universe you either have to move fast and easy or slow and slow.

However, since traveling from star to star would likely take generations no matter how fast you move, it makes much more sense for the aliens to choose to move slowly. Dr. The best way to do this, Vidal says, is to build a perfect engine that will move your entire solar system wherever you want it.

To do this, an alien race will need to find a way to control the direction of radiation, or emissions, from their star. This can be done by creating asymmetric magnetic fields or by intensely heating parts of the star.

Earlier, astronomers made an incredible discovery at the “edge” of the Universe: details. Read about it here.

Source: People Talk

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