
The wedding of two corgis took place at the Patriarch’s Ponds for 700 thousand rubles. Watch the video

The wedding of two corgis took place at the Patriarch’s Ponds for 700 thousand rubles. Watch the video

In Moscow, at the Patriarch’s Ponds, a wedding of two corgis, Ricky and Belka, took place. The video was published on the personal blog by the organizer of the ceremony, Anastasia Kudryashova. The red carpet was rolled out for the newlyweds. The Mendelssohn March and the “Dog Waltz” were performed at the celebration.

Photo: “Unsplash”

As in all wedding ceremonies, the host asked the future spouses a traditional question. And of course they agreed. The groom was given a bow tie, and the bride a puffy dress. We celebrated the wedding in a French restaurant. The birthday cake was made of lamb liver. The pets were given gifts such as posters and treats. The organization of the event took 700 thousand rubles.

As it turned out, the corgi was brought to the wedding from Krasnoyarsk. Kudryashova explained why she accepted the client’s offer. “The dogs had a very romantic history of acquaintance with each other. Two years ago, the bride Belka got tangled in a wire in the park while walking, and the groom Ricky saved her by untangling her paw with his teeth. Since then, they have always walked together,” the girl told sibnovosti.ru.

We’ve previously talked about a corgi named Eowyn who has become an internet star. Not only does she know commands, she also understands sign language.

Source: People Talk

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