Sneakers: here are the 5 most counterfeited sneakers

Sneakers: here are the 5 most counterfeited sneakers

The resale site StockX, THE reference for sneakers, has published a new study in which it lists the most counterfeited models. In the top 5 there are several adidas models, but also Nike and New Balance…

There are countless counterfeits, even on second-hand sites. To celebrate World Anti-Counterfeiting Day on June 8, online resale site StockX released a report called Big Facts. And since it is the go-to platform for everything related to trendy sneakers, it has a counterfeit department.

Which sneakers are the most victims of counterfeiting?

The result is that at the top of the list of counterfeits that have attempted to sell on StockX are the adidas Yeezy Boost 350. Then come the adidas Campus, then the Jordan 4 Retro. At number 4, the New Balance 550, and at number 5, the Nike Dunk Low. Still on the subject of shoes, UGGs are also very counterfeited, as are Adidas slippers, especially those with Yeezy, the brand of the controversial Kanye West.

Sneakers: here are the 5 most counterfeited sneakers

As for clothing, we mostly find hoodies from the cutting-edge (and overpriced) streetwear label Fear of God Essentials. As far as bags go, the Grand Bambino by Jacquemus is in first place. Second, the Telfar Shopping Bag Medium and third, a Louis Vuitton fanny pack.

Screenshot from 11/06/2024 at 11.03.00

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Source: Madmoizelle

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