Yulia Peresild revealed the secret of a slim figure

Yulia Peresild revealed the secret of a slim figure

Yulia Peresild admitted that nature gave her a slim figure. As the actress stated, she never followed special diets or exhausted herself with physical activity.

Yulia Peresild. Photo: Legion-media

The artist also explained that he wanted to reconsider his views on life and pay close attention to his health. “Honestly, it was only this year that I started thinking about the fact that I need to take care of my body. And of course the desire to strive for proper nutrition, good sleep and exercise,” Peresild shared on her personal blog.

Yulia Peresild. Photo: social networks

The actor added that he has already found a way to change his thinking. “For example, there is an audiobook on headphones right now about creating a new body. “A very interesting look at physical health and spiritual development,” Yulia summarized.

Let’s remember that earlier Peresild showed her figure in a swimsuit. The actor had a holiday on a yacht with his friends. The company also visited sacred places in Thailand where special wish-making rituals are performed. We hope that Julia’s most cherished dreams will come true!

Source: People Talk

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