“People of Suzdal”: Agata Muceniece showed the ancient city to children

“People of Suzdal”: Agata Muceniece showed the ancient city to children

The 35-year-old actress has two children with her ex-husband Pavel Priluchny. Agata Muceniece tries to devote all her free time to 11-year-old Timofey and 8-year-old Mia. Over the May weekend, the star took her brood on vacation to the ancient Russian city of Suzdal.

Agata Mutsenietse. Photo: social networks

The celebrity shared images from her trip on her personal microblog. In one of the photos, Agatha appeared in close-up with her son and daughter. The artist wrote “People of Suzdal” under the photo.

Agata Muceniece with children. Photo: social networks

Muceniece also showed Timofey boarding the boat and showed local sights. It turned out that the family was happy with the trip.

Let us also remind you that Agata Muceniece, the star of the TV series Major, got divorced in 2020. Recently, the actress received alimony from Pavel Priluchny through the court. The claim was partially met.

Source: People Talk

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