Magali Berdah’s cyber-stalkers sentenced with unprecedented sentence

Magali Berdah’s cyber-stalkers sentenced with unprecedented sentence

In the dock 28 internet users who sent hateful messages and death threats to Magali Berdah, accused by the rapper Booba of deceptive commercial practices.

“A historic ruling that must mark a turning point in the fight against cyberharassment.” It is in these terms that the lawyer of Magali Berdah, high priestess of influencers, greeted herself FranceInfo the conviction, on Tuesday 19 March, of the 28 people tried between November and January for aggravated cyberstalking, death threats or even threats of crime against his client. “ The severity of the sentences handed down is unprecedented in a cyber harassment case » welcomed Magali Berdah’s advice in a press release.

Prison sentences for all defendants

Therefore, all the defendants, namely 26 men and two women, were sentenced to prison. For 14 people this is a prison sentence. The longest sentence imposed was 18 months in prison, of which 12 were closed, for the author of an anti-Semitic message: “It’s a shame Hitler didn’t do it (Yes) not caring about your grandparents”.

All those convicted will also have to complete a citizenship training course and will be deprived of eligibility for two years. All accompanied by a strict ban on contacting Magali Berdah for two years, even via social networks, and the obligation to jointly compensate 54 thousand euros in damages.

The three trials took place between November 2023 and January 2024. Magali Berdah, director of the influencer agency Shauna Events, denounced a large online smear campaign, instigated by the rapper Booba. Since 2022 the latter has launched a crusade against what he himself defines “influencer”. The rapper, also indicted in this case for aggravated cyberstalking against the businesswoman, but not involved in the ongoing trial, states that he wants “expose scammers” to combat the scams of which Internet users are victims.

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Source: Madmoizelle

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