Lent: the most important thing you need to know

Lent: the most important thing you need to know

Lent is an important period for all Orthodox Christians because it precedes one of the main religious holidays, Easter. This year it started on March 18 and will last until May 4. We’ve collected everything you need to know.

Photo: A frame from the movie “Jesus Christ”

What is the meaning of fasting?

Everyone who celebrates Lent strengthens the memory of the 40 days that Jesus Christ spent in the desert. In this way he fought all the temptations with which the devil tormented his soul. He managed to resist the tempter, and therefore during this period people show God that they are ready to renounce worldly temptations by doing some asceticism.

What should you do in the first week of fasting?

It is important to understand that the longest services occur in the first week of Lent. This is the best time to start attending church services more often. Also, as in every asceticism, it is necessary to consider compassionate deeds and deeds.

Monday through Thursday for the Great Compline (a service performed late in the evening, before bedtime – Note ed.) You should read the Great Penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete. It is based on the memoirs of characters from the Bible period. The story begins with the sins of Adam and Eve, followed by repentance.

What should not be done in the first week of fasting?

During Lent, you should limit yourself not only to food passions, but also to spiritual passions. If we talk about food, those who fast should not forget that not only the products from which the food is prepared, but also their quantity are important. But it is better to avoid animal foods and sweets.

One of the main dogmas of this period is spiritual purity. This means that thoughts and intentions must be pure. You cannot use bad language, gossip or lead an idle lifestyle. It is necessary to restrain your passions and show moderation.

What to eat in the first week of fasting?

To understand how to eat during Lent, you can refer to the monastery charter. According to him, the first week is the hardest. So, for example, they don’t eat anything for the first two days. In the following days, this menu looks like this:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday – raw food (without oil) once a day.

Tuesday, Thursday – boiled food (without oil) once a day.

Saturday, Sunday – boiled food with added oil, wine is allowed.

Source: People Talk

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