
Audio porn, a more erotic format than mainstream porn and, above all, more ethical?

Audio porn, a more erotic format than mainstream porn and, above all, more ethical?

Although more and more platforms are offering this new format, audio porn is still (too) not widespread in consumer habits. However, it is a format that can be very interesting on an erotic level, as well as being a much more ethical alternative to traditional porn.

The audio is rising. In fact, podcasts have been a very popular format for several years now, particularly because they don’t require your exclusive attention, unlike video or text. Argument naturally in contradiction with the idea of ​​the consumption of pornography or even with the principle of masturbation, which represent a privileged moment, out of time and only for oneself (or why not with others).

However, audioporn exists and, above all, is increasingly appreciated. Indeed, many are those who are tempted by the experience and seem to adopt this format for the long term. This is the case of Marion, 30, who let herself be tempted a few years ago, and who can no longer imagine consuming mainstream porn again:

“4 years ago, following a romantic relationship in which I was not sexually satisfied, I started consuming a lot of porn. Mainstream porn bored me quickly, even disgusted me at times, and that’s when, while researching, I discovered audio porn. I signed up for a monthly subscription to one platform and continue to consume its content very actively years later. »

Audio porn or how to awaken your senses differently

Like Marion, more and more people are discovering audio porn and are seduced by this format. This success is not surprising: in fact, as many scientific studies report, hearing plays a fundamental role in sexual desire and pleasure. Lucile Groussin, sexologist and feminist activist explains it:

“In reality, all of our senses play an important role in eroticism and sexuality, the most obvious being touch and sight. But there is also a very strong link between taste and smell and sexual stimulation. As for hearing, it is directly connected to the amygdala, the part of the brain dedicated to emotions, and which is particularly involved in the regulation of emotions such as pleasure.. »

But hearing also has the advantage of being fascinating and rich. In fact, words can be said, whispered, shouted, murmured… A diversity that can prove to be very erotic, not to mention the fact that feeling the pleasure of the other during the act can also be very exciting, continues the sexologist :

“When women in particular fake, they do it verbally, so that the current relationship ends faster. This is proof that sound stimuli are essential during the act. Also, too, when you hear your neighbors making love, for example, it can also arouse excitement: you listen, you imagine… »

Give free rein to your imagination… in complete serenity!

Unlike traditional porn which comes in a video format, audio porn provides no visual support and thus lets your imagination run wild. It is precisely this aspect that seduced Marion a few years ago:

“This idea of ​​being able to let your imagination run wild also plays into the fact that I never get tired of erotic audio. When you have a visual, it prevents any other representation. Since then audio has also taken up a lot of space in my intimate relationships. For example, when I’m in long distance relationships, I like the voice, I find it really stimulates the imagination and the libido.. »

This consumption of the voice format during long-distance relationships has also experienced Lisa Demma, editor-in-chief of the audio porn platform Femtasy. This is partly why she turned to this format and why she wanted to participate in the development of Femtasy:

“Audio stimulates the imagination and removes visual barriers. We’ve had extremely positive feedback on this topic: for example, audioporn has allowed some people to discover their own queerness, or even to indulge in certain completely unsuspecting fantasies. This is explained by the fact that this format is less standardized, but also more secure, and therefore allows you to let go completely. When we are faced with violent images such as we find in mainstream porn, we can also feel threatened by this violence. More, audio can be more generally very liberating for women: free from the visual standards imposed by mainstream porn, which only shows a certain body type. With audio porn, we can project ourselves differently, without complexes. »

Audio Porn, A More Ethical Alternative to Traditional Porn?

If the audio format therefore allows you to free yourself from certain norms, and above all from the violence conveyed by mainstream porn, or even to indulge in a “safer” masturbation session, what about what is hidden behind the scenes? Lisa Demma is adamant on the subject: audio porn is light years away from mainstream porn when it comes to the ethical issue.

“This format has the advantage of preserving anonymity, which takes a huge weight off the shoulders of the people involved. Indeed, for example, it can be difficult for a woman to retrain after a career as a porn actress. This problem doesn’t arise with audio, which releases this stigma. In Femtasy we also work with real couples, who record themselves in their intimacy. They therefore have total freedom over the form, even if the episodes are minimally scripted. Finally, where mainstream porn is accessible for free anywhere in the world and at any time of the day or night, we operate in the form of paid subscriptions, which allow us to remunerate all people who contribute to the project with dignity.. »

So, at a time when mainstream porn is accessible everywhere, all the time, is it necessarily a block to offer a format far from the usual codes, and what’s more for a fee? Not for Marion, who says she is happy to contribute to an ethical project:

“I find the advertised price very fair for the amount of episodes and categories offered. It makes me happy to donate a little of my money every month to an ethical company that offers original things that meet the expectations and values ​​of many people, of all genders. From what I’ve observed, people usually go to mainstream porn out of habit and because they don’t know other things. But when I told my friends about it, most of them were curious to try it and some were hooked.

So while not everyone will necessarily become a fan of audio porn, we are still delighted that a slightly more empowering format, especially for women, is gradually gaining traction, and we can only recommend you give it a try!

Source: Madmoizelle

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