
Homophobia: Schoolchildren banned from singing Miley Cyrus and Dolly Parton’s ‘Rainbowland’ in the US

In Wisconsin, first graders were preparing to perform “Rainbowland,” by Dolly Parton and Miley Cyrus, until the song was banned by the school board, deeming it controversial.

In the United States, homophobic politics is also infiltrating elementary school classroom entertainment. While a first grade teacher planned to teach Miley Cyrus and Dolly Parton’s “Rainbowland” to her students for a concert celebrating spring, the song was banned by the school principal.

The song was banned the day after rehearsals

“To live in a rainbow world/Where the sky is blue and all is well/It would be nice to live in a paradise/Where we’re free to be exactly who we are. » These words were judged as controversial by the principal of the Wisconsin elementary school. According to him, the song it would not be suitable small children, as reported by the Los Angeles Times.


The day after the first rehearsal, Melissa Tempel, the teacher of this CP class would receive an email from the principal, telling her that the song was now bannedexplaining that she “could be perceived as controversial”.

On Twitter, the teacher warned about this censorshipdenouncing the veto imposed by the school administration:

“My first graders were so excited to sing Rainbowland for our spring concert, but our administration nixed it. When it will end? »

A conservative turn

from Young nowa Miley Cyrus album released in 2017, “Rainbowland” it has never been claimed by its performers as a song that evokes LGBT rights. According to Miley Cyrus, the title was inspired by the color of the paint in her recording studio. As for Dolly Parton, known for her support of the LGBT community, she explained that the song was about ” hope and positivity in dark times“, an issue on which one wonders how it can be controversial.

In the columns of Los Angeles Timesone parent explained that the school was actually the place ofa conservative turn have accompanied the measures related to Covid. It is for example forbids teachers from speaking pronouns to students or wearing rainbows.

For now, kids will have to stick to The Beatles’ “Here Comes the Sun” and Louis Armstrong’s “It’s a Wonderful World” for their spring show.

Source: Madmoizelle

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