
Sam Neill, who is being treated for stage three blood cancer, says he is “just glad he’s alive”.

Sam Neill first noticed that he had swollen glands during his promotion Jurassic world domination last March. After consulting a doctor, the actor was diagnosed with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma, a rare form of blood cancer.

His treatment began with chemotherapy, which did not work. Neill, now 75, said he started a new chemotherapy drug and after a long journey is now cancer free. However, he must receive the drug monthly for the rest of his life.

“I can’t pretend that the past year hasn’t had some dark moments,” Neill said in an interview with The Guardian. “But those dark moments shed light on the edge, you know, and made me grateful for every day and infinitely grateful for all my friends. I’m just glad I’m alive.’

The revelation comes as the actor prepares to release his memoir. did i ever tell you thata book that came about as he tried to bridge the downtime between cancer treatments.

“I had nothing to do,” Neill told the Guardian. “And I’m used to working. I like to work I like to go to work. I love being with people every day and enjoying human company and friendship and all that. And suddenly I was deprived of it. And I thought, ‘What should I do?’

The answer was writing. He started writing short vignettes to pass the time.

“I never intended to write a book. But as I continued to write, I realized that it actually gave me a reason to live, and I would go to bed thinking, ‘I’m going to write about this tomorrow… it will entertain me.’ And so it was really a life saver because I couldn’t have gotten through this without doing anything, you know.

Source: Deadline

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