
DR. ELLIE CANNON: I’m 85 years old and have type 2 diabetes which gives me cold feet… how do I keep them warm?

I am 85 years old and have diabetes type 2. I have suffered from cold feet for years which gets worse in the winter. I’ve tried bathing my feet in warm water, giving massages, and applying ice, but nothing seems to work. can you help

Cold feet are often associated with circulatory problems. And poor circulation can be an integral part of living with type 2 diabetes and is a common complaint as we age.

With diabetes, high blood sugar levels can damage the smaller blood vessels in the feet and toes, restricting blood flow to the area and making the feet cold. The skin is also at risk as it cannot heal without adequate blood supply.

Using a rich moisturizer is a good idea to prevent the skin from cracking. Annual foot examinations – in diabetes clinics or GP surgeries – are essential. Contact your doctor if this is not the case.

The team can also use a test called ABPI to check blood flow in the veins in the feet. This indicates the extent of damage to the blood vessels.

“I am 85 years old and have diabetes type 2. I have had cold feet for years which gets worse in the winter. How do I keep them warm?’

Circulation is best when diabetes is well controlled. This means taking the optimal medication and regular blood tests. Keep cholesterol levels low and blood pressure normal to prevent further damage to the arteries.

Regular exercise is also important as it improves blood flow – studies suggest it can improve blood flow and blood vessel health by 20 percent. Frequent bursts of relatively intense aerobic exercise are more beneficial than occasional prolonged episodes.

In the meantime, it might be worth investing in a pair of diabetic socks, which are specifically designed to keep feet warm and dry while slightly improving circulation in that area.

I often suffer from unexplained hives – I assume it’s stress related. In the last few weeks I have noticed that my fingertips are red and swollen. They hurt when touched. Are the two problems related and is there anything that can be done? I am a 44 year old female.

Hives, also called urticaria, appear as an itchy, patchy rash. Usually the problem is caused by contact with things you may be allergic to, such as: B. food or pollen. This can also happen at certain temperatures. For example, some people get cold hives from the wind, while others have a heat-related problem that can occur after eating spicy food.

Hives often appear with other symptoms, such as swelling of the hands, feet and face. When this happens, doctors call it angioedema. The hives and swellings may feel burning.

Headaches, joint pain and swelling are not uncommon.

It’s not always clear what causes patients’ symptoms, but it’s a sign that the immune system is overworked — specifically, that mast cells are overactive.

Write to Dr. ellie

Do you have a question for Dr. Ellie Canon? Email DrEllie@mailonsunday.co.uk

DR Cannon cannot respond to personal correspondence and her responses must be viewed in their general context

These cells release the chemical histamine that is responsible for the rash and swelling. Sometimes hives are linked to an autoimmune condition, where the body reacts to its own cells.

These types of diseases such as Conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis can also cause joint swelling and swollen fingers, so it is important to have this combination of symptoms examined by a doctor.

Hives should be treated with daily antihistamines. Sometimes a doctor may recommend taking it more often. Other medications include steroids and a drug called montelukast, but this is a short-term solution. In some severe cases, specialized rheumatologists may prescribe strong immunosuppressive drugs.

Stress-related hives can be especially annoying. A vicious cycle is created: the physical problem brings stress, which worsens the hives. Any stress-relieving activity, such as exercise or relaxation techniques, will help break the cycle.

I can’t sleep because I have constant breathing problems. Every night I have to get up for half an hour, drink a hot drink to catch my breath, and then go back to sleep. My doctor prescribed me several nasal drops with no success. A consultant confirmed that my nasal passages were clear. Can you suggest something? i am 84

When someone has trouble breathing at night, doctors usually recommend participating in a special sleep study. This includes monitoring breathing, oxygen levels and heart rate throughout the night. A GP can refer patients for this examination, which is usually held in a hospital sleep clinic.

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Breathing problems at night can be a problem called obstructive sleep apnea. Usually parts of the airways, such as the windpipe, narrow when you sleep with this condition, but it can also happen when the nasal passages or sinuses are blocked.

This is not always seen when examining a patient. Lying horizontally at night can cause the nasal passages to swell with fluid or become inflamed. You won’t necessarily have the same problem during the day if you stand up straight.

You can easily see if this is the case by trying to sleep with a pillow. It may also be worth trying a nasal dilator – these are soft plastic devices that sit in your nose at night and increase airflow.

If the sleep study shows sleep apnea, it means you stop breathing at night. Patients are offered a treatment known as CPAP – a pressurized face mask that keeps the airways open at night and prevents them from collapsing.

Although the device looks quite scary and takes some getting used to, many patients find it life-changing.

Denied the details of a loved one? let me know

Have you had trouble obtaining medical records?

I recently heard of a case where the son of a woman who died in a nursing home was told he could not see his mother’s notes for privacy reasons. It seems crazy.

The data protection laws of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) prohibit companies and public bodies from sharing any personal data they have about us. But that only applies to the living.

The boy tried to find out what happened to his mother as the circumstances – during the pandemic when visits were impossible – are not clear.

It is important that people have access to this type of information in order to understand what happened to their loved ones. It is also a legal right.

The nursing home appears to have misinterpreted the law to block the boy’s request, adding frustration and confusion to the grief.

I would like to know if anyone else has been told not to look at a deceased loved one’s medical records. Write to me at DrEllie@mailonsunday.co.uk – I’ll be happy to investigate.

People over 74 can still have a bowel test

Many readers came forward last week with my comments about colon cancer screening and asked why testing stops when you turn 74.

This seems like an arbitrary limit, but in fact it is based on evidence showing that older adults are more likely to test out false positives.

This means patients are likely to be told they have a problem when they don’t, leading to unnecessary worry and pointless, invasive testing.

However, anyone over 74 can request a free screening kit by calling 0800 707 60 60.

It is important to see your GP immediately if you notice any symptoms – blood in the toilet, gas, or a change in bowel habits.

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