Director George Millerthe mind behind the Mad Max the franchise could collaborate with Marvel Studios for a film project. Marvel is also said to have their eyes on him to direct World War Hulk OR Thor5.
Fans wanted to see Marvel make a World War Hulk and it would be really cool if Miller was the person to step in to direct it.
According to a recent listing from Production Weekly, filming on the project could begin as early as this year. So World of Reel says it has confirmed that the film is in active development, and Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has already reached out to potential directors… including George Miller.
While I would love to see Miller take on World War Hulk, it’s also been reported that the director might be inclined to do so Thor5 Instead.
His recent work with Chris Hemsworth ON Furious sparked a connection between the two, with Hemsworth even setting up a meeting between Miller and Feige. This potential collaboration makes sense, and Miller has praised Hemsworth in the past, saying:
“I would work with Chris on anything. I really would. He’s a wonderful actor. Has the full range of all skills.
He added: “I mean, you have to be athletic, physically. But you also have to be athletic emotionally and intellectually to take on these very, ultimately quite complex, really any roles.”
I understand why Miller would want to work with Hemsworth again on Thor 5, but I’d be much more excited for him to take on World War Hulk. Thor 5 just doesn’t interest me.
Miller’s thought addressing the chaotic and epic scale of World War Hulk it’s simply exciting! Hulk has been sidelined since 2008 The Incredible Hulkwith the character appearing primarily in ensemble films or supporting roles.
A solo release as great as it is great World War Hulkwith Miller at the helm, it could be exactly what the character needs to explode onto the big screen in a huge way.
Miller’s previous encounter with superhero cinema includes Justice League: Deadlywhich is a project that was shelved before production.
Miller had also previously defended superhero films, saying: “Cinema is cinema and it’s a very broad church… The test, ultimately, is what it means to the audience.”
He also called out Martin Scorsese’s criticism of the genre, labeling it “arrogance” to decide what does or does not qualify as cinema. He added: “It’s a big mosaic and every piece of work fits into it.”
It looks like the makings of a World War Hulk movie are in place. The roles of the Leader and Red Hulk in Captain America: Brave New World will probably lead to something bigger, and to World War Hulk it could be the natural next step.
For now, we’ll have to wait and see where Miller ends up. If he were actually in the running to direct these films, which one would you like to see him tackle?
by Joey Paur
Source: Geek Tyrant
Lloyd Grunewald is an author at “The Fashion Vibes”. He is a talented writer who focuses on bringing the latest entertainment-related news to his readers. With a deep understanding of the entertainment industry and a passion for writing, Lloyd delivers engaging articles that keep his readers informed and entertained.