When Tim Miller he moved to directing in 2016 Dead Poolhe wasn’t in it for the money, and that’s a good thing too, considering how much money he made.
In a recent interview with Collider, Miller talked about the financial realities of being a first-time director, even on a blockbuster superhero film.
Miller explained: “You may not know this, but it’s not really a profitable thing to be a first-time director in Hollywood. I had $225,000 to direct Dead Pool. I know it seems like a lot of money, but for two years of work it’s not a lot of money.
The Marvel movie, which he starred in Ryan Reynoldsit grossed over $782 million worldwide, proving to be one of the most successful R-rated films ever made.
Despite the film’s enormous success, Miller’s earnings were low by Hollywood standards. Reflecting on the situation, Miller said:
“Not that I’m not grateful, I’m damn grateful, that’s why you should be when you’re a first-time director. My agent said, “Man, you make more money from an episode than.” The walking dead!’”
While Dead Pool put Miller in the spotlight and launched a successful franchise, he admitted he couldn’t help but think about what could have been.
He shared: “I feel extraordinarily lucky to have been part of what has become a huge franchise. So, my second thought is: I would like my deal director to have a piece of the merch so I can make some money off of this.
Miller did not return for the 2018 sequel, directed by David Leitchbut the Dead Pool the franchise continued to thrive. After Disney acquired Fox in 2017, the character was integrated into Marvel Studios’ MCU and into the third installment, Deadpool and Wolverinedirected by Shawn Levywill be released in theaters in 2024.
While Miller may not have seen a huge gain from his time as director Dead Poolwhich is a shame, his work on the film solidified his reputation in Hollywood and helped pave the way for a highly successful franchise.
by Joey Paur
Source: Geek Tyrant
Lloyd Grunewald is an author at “The Fashion Vibes”. He is a talented writer who focuses on bringing the latest entertainment-related news to his readers. With a deep understanding of the entertainment industry and a passion for writing, Lloyd delivers engaging articles that keep his readers informed and entertained.