Jennifer Garner and Paul Walter Hauser will star in the True Crime film titled FRUITCAKE

Jennifer Garner and Paul Walter Hauser will star in the True Crime film titled FRUITCAKE

Jennifer Garner (Alias, 13 ongoing 30) will star alongside his fellow Golden Globe winner Paolo Walter Hauser (Black Bird, Richard Jewell) in the true-crime movie Fruit cake. Max Winkler (Flower, American horror story) will direct the true story of “Sandy and Kay Jenkins, a seemingly honest middle-class couple who went on to embezzle millions from the famous Texas company Collin Street Bakery. Hauser will play Sandy – an unassuming accountant who funnels large sums of money into her accounts and credit card bills to support a lavish lifestyle, including expensive jewelry, private jet travel and a second home in New Mexico – while Garner will play his wife, Kay.”

Based on Texas Monthly article “Just Desserts” by Katy Vinewho will serve as a consultant, the script for 2016’s Black List was written Trey Selman and produced by Red Sanders at Texas-based Red Entertainment along with Trey Selman.

via: Deadline

by Jessica Fisher
Source: Geek Tyrant

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