Jennifer Garner (Alias, 13 ongoing 30) will star alongside his fellow Golden Globe winner Paolo Walter Hauser (Black Bird, Richard Jewell) in the true-crime movie Fruit cake. Max Winkler (Flower, American horror story) will direct the true story of “Sandy and Kay Jenkins, a seemingly honest middle-class couple who went on to embezzle millions from the famous Texas company Collin Street Bakery. Hauser will play Sandy – an unassuming accountant who funnels large sums of money into her accounts and credit card bills to support a lavish lifestyle, including expensive jewelry, private jet travel and a second home in New Mexico – while Garner will play his wife, Kay.”
Based on Texas Monthly article “Just Desserts” by Katy Vinewho will serve as a consultant, the script for 2016’s Black List was written Trey Selman and produced by Red Sanders at Texas-based Red Entertainment along with Trey Selman.
via: Deadline
by Jessica Fisher
Source: Geek Tyrant

Lloyd Grunewald is an author at “The Fashion Vibes”. He is a talented writer who focuses on bringing the latest entertainment-related news to his readers. With a deep understanding of the entertainment industry and a passion for writing, Lloyd delivers engaging articles that keep his readers informed and entertained.