Netflix has revealed the trailer for their intriguing mystery thriller series, Bodies, based on the graphic novel by Si Spencer. The series is the protagonist Shira Haas (Unorthodox) as DC Maplewood; Stephen Graham (The Irish) as Elias Mannix; Jacob Fortune-Lloyd (The Queen’s Gambit) as DS Whiteman; Amaka Okafor (The Responder) as DS Hasan; AND Kyle Soller (The legacy) as Inspector Hillinghead.
Bodies is created and produced by Paul Tomalin, with Marco Kreuzpaintner, Will Gould and Frith Tiplady also executive producing. Susie Liggat produces. Kreuzpaintner directs the series together with Haolu Wang.
The synopsis reads:
“Based on Si Spencer’s mind-bending graphic novel, Bodies is a police procedural with a twist. When a body – the same body – is found on Longharvest Lane in London’s East End in 1890, 1941, 2023 and 2053, a detective from each period must investigate. As connections are made over the decades, the detectives soon discover that their investigations are linked, and an enigmatic political leader – Elias Mannix (Stephen Graham) – becomes increasingly central. Did he have a role to play in the murder? Or is something much more sinister at play? To solve the mystery, our four detectives must somehow work together and uncover a conspiracy that has lasted over 150 years.
This sounds like a really interesting original story! I love a good thriller series and this one seems to be well done. The eight-episode first season of Body will arrive on Netflix on October 19th. Check out the trailer below and let us know if you’ll be watching this series.
by Jessica Fisher
Source: Geek Tyrant
Lloyd Grunewald is an author at “The Fashion Vibes”. He is a talented writer who focuses on bringing the latest entertainment-related news to his readers. With a deep understanding of the entertainment industry and a passion for writing, Lloyd delivers engaging articles that keep his readers informed and entertained.