In June Apple TV + premiered a psychological thriller that takes Tom Holland away from his breakout role of Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we refer to the series ‘The crowded room’, a title that received an almost perfect rating from the public who had the opportunity to see the first episodes of this production.
The funny thing is that whenThe crowded room’ It arrived in the Apple TV+ catalog on June 9th He was immediately struck by the scathing comments from film industry specialists, who gave this thriller-mystery an acceptance rating of just 33% at outlets such as Rotten Tomatoes.
Now, after a few days available in the catalog of this platform, the public’s approval is very different, given that in this second full week of JuneThe crowded room’ It has an acceptance of 94% from the publican achievement that led Tom Holland to thank the subscribers of this service.
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After announcing the evaluation given by the public a ‘The crowded room’ AppleTV+Tom Holland took advantage of his visit to the ‘Live With Kelly and Mark’ program, to send a message of thanks to the audience who appreciated this original psychological thriller, sharing their emotion with the subsequent episodes of this production.
I’d like to thank my fans and people who watched the show because we’re 94% on Rotten Tomatoes,” the actor shares.
With these results, “The Crowded Room” on Apple TV+ becomes another of the productions that divides specialized critics and the public in 2023, given that there are several titles that, being negatively evaluated by specialists, receive high acceptance from the public, so it seems that many fans no longer follow the opinion of film industry experts.
What is ‘The Crowded Room’ about?
What is a fact is that “The Crowded Room” is one of The most interesting works in Tom Holland’s careertitle in which the actor plays Dany Sullivan, a young man who was arrested after being accused of participating in a shooting in New York City in the late 70s, a production that has a very interesting development because its narration is through several interrogations.
It is important to note that ‘The Crowded Room’ has a real-life inspiration, due to the storyline presented by this one AppleTV+ series is inspired by the case of Billy Milligan, remembered in the United States for being the first to be acquitted of a serious crime because he suffered from dissociative identity disorder.
By Orlando Medina
Source: Nacion Flix
Lloyd Grunewald is an author at “The Fashion Vibes”. He is a talented writer who focuses on bringing the latest entertainment-related news to his readers. With a deep understanding of the entertainment industry and a passion for writing, Lloyd delivers engaging articles that keep his readers informed and entertained.