10 Awesome Sci-Fi Series, Half of Which You’ve Never Heard Of

10 Awesome Sci-Fi Series, Half of Which You’ve Never Heard Of

If you’re just wondering what science fiction to watch.

The world of science fiction is constantly offering something new, but not all series in this genre get the attention they deserve and many shows remain in the shadows, even if they are really good.

We have collected 10 great science fiction series that you probably never heard of. Some of them were unfairly underrated, others were simply not widely used. But if you are tired of rewatching “Doctor Who” or “The Three Body Problem”, our selection will come in handy.

10 Awesome Sci-Fi Series, Half of Which You’ve Never Heard Of

We still don’t understand why, for example, everyone who is not too lazy does not talk about “Zaslanets from Space”. First of all, this is a rare case when science fiction meets comedy and the result is worth it. Secondly, those who finally got to the series are completely delighted: after all, it is not for nothing that it has an 8.1 rating on Kinopoisk and even a place in the top 250.

The series also has high ratings on foreign aggregators: 97% from critics and 86% from viewers on Rotten Tomatoes speak for themselves. And yet, ‘Space from Space’ can hardly be called mainstream and popular – but in vain, because the series deserved much more love from the audience than it eventually got.

This may even be the reason for the closure: it is still unclear whether ‘Zaslanets’ will be renewed for a fifth season or not. But fans believe that this story definitely still has potential!

Source: Popcorn News

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