
A complete overview of all Arnold Schwarzenegger action films from the 80s

A complete overview of all Arnold Schwarzenegger action films from the 80s

Enough with rewatching “John Wick” – it’s time for a true classic!

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a living action legend, and few would argue with that. The 80s saw him star in some of his most iconic films, establishing himself as one of the leading heroes of the action genre.

From the role of the tough Terminator to the invincible Commando, Schwarzenegger embodied the image of a hero who can win everything. In this article, we’ve compiled a complete list of all his 80s action movies that became classics of cinema and forever cemented Arnold’s status as the king of action movies. If this isn’t the perfect movie marathon, what is?

A complete overview of all Arnold Schwarzenegger action films from the 80s

Of course, many of these action movies would look pretty funny today, but you have to consider them a product of their time. For example, meme lovers will definitely appreciate the movie “Red Heat” – after all, it was from there that the famous meme came with the phrase “What’s your proof”, which Arnie’s hero Ivan Danko said in a unique “cranberry” Russian accent.

Moreover, this was the first American film to be shot on Red Square – and even then it took six months for the filmmakers to get permission from the Soviet authorities, but in the end they gave this permission only because the main character of the film is Russian.

Now “Red Heat” has only 6.7 on Kinopoisk, and this film can only be called an icon out of respect for memes, but still, this is also a certain stage – not only for Schwarzenegger himself, but also for his Russian fans.

Source: Popcorn News

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