
Swollen face when you wake up? Here are the possible causes (and 5 tips that can help you)

Stress, changes in the weather, a poor diet, lack of hydration or excess sebum… There are many causes that directly affect our body on a daily basis. Not just age or hormonal changes They can be compelling reasons when it comes to changing our bodies, but the routine itself and how we behave day after day can also be vital to our health. It’s the same with facial reactions. Who has never woken up with a swollen face? Interestingly, this punctual inflammation in the face is a common problem in men and women. However, there are still many unknowns about why and what actions or habits can help improve this are unknown.

Causes like lack of hydration, fluid retention or a night out can be some of the most obvious actions, but did you know there are many more reasons? Curiosities such as the lack of a Deep cleaning or the intake of foods rich in salt can be other important reasons why your face wakes up slightly inflamed one day. To solve all our doubts, Ana Puelles Lostaoan expert in aesthetic medicine, deciphers the reasons why.

What can cause it? There are countless occasions when our skin, body and face react to a specific situation or action. When it comes to a facial reaction related to inflammation, we can distinguish five main reasons:

  • A bad night’s sleep or insomnia. Constant movement and poor posture promote fluid retention.
  • Do not remove your makeup before going to sleep. This fact means that your skin is not properly oxygenated at night and the regeneration process is not adequate.
  • Alcohol use and insufficient hydration during the late night.
  • Eat foods rich in salt and processed.
  • The days before the period, because it increases the level of progesterone and this is related to greater retention.

These problems are mainly related to a unhealthy habit, such as occasional ingestion of alcohol or foods rich in salt, but not just that. As we see season after season, a good cleansing and moisturizing routine is vital when it comes to maintaining aesthetic health. To do this, deep cleaning or care routines specific can be the solution. Now, at the moment of truth, What options or techniques can we use to prevent or at least reduce the signs of facial swelling? As our expert explains, there are several ways to resolve and reduce the signs of swelling in this area.

  • Make-up removal is mandatory before going to bed. Do it consciously and if you have an exfoliant handy, use it even if it’s only for two minutes in the shower.
  • apply one refreshing mask in a cream texture and if you don’t have one, soak a towel in cold water and apply to your face.
  • Drink water or, better yet, a detox infusion
  • try when you can lie on your back and massage your face a little with movements from the center outwards. A light pressure on the face has a positive effect.
  • Practice deep relaxation and breathing for 5 minutes. Stress causes inflammation of the tissues that accelerate the aging process of your skin.

Five quick, easy and super effective ways that will help you solve these swelling problems and will also pamper your skin, your face and even yourself much more.

Source: Marie Claire

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