
How do I adjust my diet and training on menstrual days

If you are a woman and have amenorrhea or suffer from irregular and painful periods, don’t miss this article where I tell you how I managed to restore a regular menstrual cycle, what changes I make in my diet and training to staying connected to my menstrual cycle and the benefits it brings. If I could do it, you can too.

Being a woman is wonderful and it is very nice to get in touch with our menstrual cycle to understand our body and mind. The first step is to be willing to make this change, accept your body and love yourself in all its stages.

Are you ready? I hope so. The second step is to be patient, give yourself the time you need, and take the right actions. Detect your problem: What is the cause of my situation? What can I do to correct this?

My periods are regular and painless since I started my Ashtanga Yoga practice. at the age of 29, but that was not always the case. At 25 I had amenorrhea for more than 6 months due to lack of consciousness. By this time I was underweight, I didn’t see or feel my disconnection with body, mind and spirit. Thank goodness I asked myself one day, “What if I can never be a mother? Do I always want to be hot-tempered?” †

Then I opened my eyes and started taking care of myself out of love. I discovered that my goal is to help women not to fall, to feel stronger† You are unique, amazing and brilliant. Like you. Following a diet and training adapted to your menstrual cycle will help you consciously connect with yourself to heal; This is the only way to solve the problem that prevents you from having a normal and painless period today. What adjustments do I recommend in your diet and training on menstrual days?

  1. Eat foods rich in iron: chlorella, lentils, broccoli, pumpkin seeds and eggs.
  2. Rest or do a gentle yoga exercise† Don’t reverse the intense days.
  3. Train cardio and weights in moderation. Don’t squat on intense days.
  4. Meditate or practice gentle pranayama. Do not use hypopressants or intensive breathing techniques on your ovaries: rajas uddiyana banda, rajas uddiyana bandhásana, kapalabhati, bhastrika.

Not to be confused with carelessness. It is important, beautiful and motivating to respect our menstrual cycle correctly without falling into the absolute passivity of your body. If you are aware of the change in your body and your energy through the different phases of your menstrual cycle, you will understand many things.

Why do you look more covered, why do your breasts swell, why are you more sensitive… so as not to attack other people, life, your body. It is fortunate that you have a fixed rule, adapt your diet and your training to it and love yourself in all your phases, more or less lean, with more or less energy.

Take care of yourself, train online or in person with Natalia Domínguez and her method.

Contact us at www.nataliadominguez.es.

Source: Marie Claire

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