
Trap marketers: why you shouldn’t try to get rid of cellulite

Shot from the movie “The Beach”

According to various studies, 80-90% of women have cellulite. And according to our own statistics, about 100% want to get rid of it. Thanks to marketers, there is now everything for it – from creams and serums to LPG massage and liposuction. But there is one thing – none of the methods can have a long-term effect. This is why the anti-cellulite market is not experiencing crises and brands continue to produce more and more products to combat a completely normal skin condition. And in turn, we continue to use our forces and resources to fight the invisible enemy – by 2022, the global market for anti-cellulite creams is estimated at one million US dollars, and according to experts, this figure will only grow in the near future.

Therefore, before the start of the summer season, we would like to remind you once again that cellulite is normal. And to be sure once again, we asked the experts how it came about, why it has nothing to do with the disease and should not be ashamed.

Our experts:

Natalia TanyginaEndocrinologist, Molecular Diagnostic Center CMD Perovo, Rospotrebnadzor Central Research Institute of Epidemiology

Victoria Beznosenkocosmetology and anti-aging medicine clinic cosmetologist

How does cellulite occur?

“The mechanism of development is directly related to the female sex hormones, estrogen,” says endocrinologist Natalia Tanygina at the Center for Molecular Diagnostics CMD Perovo. – They are responsible for the accumulation of fat and fluid retention in the body. A fat cell is a loose concept (literally). It can be likened to an elastic bag in which accumulated fat is stored. The sacs expand and begin to press on collagen, the backbone that supports them. Because of this, the skin becomes bumpy. Such irregularities cause fluid retention. Estradiol – the most potent and bioactive of the estrogens – is the main reason. The more it is, the stronger it affects the skin.

Who gets cellulite?

Everyone, even babies. And this fact, firstly, surprises, and secondly, reassures. That’s why we decided to ask the endocrinologist how true this is.

Shot from the movie “Sensation”

“Of course it’s hard to imagine who would have to squeeze a newborn by the leg to find out, but there’s some truth to that. The fact is that in the first days after birth, the child lives with the mother’s sex hormones, received them through the placenta and has not yet used everything. And since the main female sex hormone is only estradiol, then, of course, it can provide short-lived cellulite, ”says endocrinologist Natalya Tanygina.

And for those who still believe cellulite is a problem for overweight people, no, it isn’t. “The thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer does not affect its appearance in any way. Cellulite is experienced by people of all ages, both women and men, both overweight and thin,” says Victoria Beznosenko, cosmetologist at the institute’s cosmetology and anti-aging medicine clinic.

Yes, men can get cellulite too, although it is much less common. “They have less estrogen in their bodies than women. But a modern person often leads a lifestyle that leads to an increase in the level of this hormone. The fat accumulating in the male body gradually changes its hormonal background – it can convert testosterone into estrogen. Estrogens are cellulite’s best friends,” says Natalya Tanygina, an endocrinologist.

cellulite causes

A still from the movie “Heartbreakers”

According to beautician Victoria Beznosenko, There is no single reason for cellulite to occur. It describes a complex of interrelated factors.


It affects the structure of adipose tissue and explains why women are more prone to cellulite. The insufficient elasticity of the ligament fibers is due to the difference in the structure of the fascial web. Namely, the collagen fibers in the upper fascial layer in men have a lattice structure, whereas in women, since they are parallel to each other, it is easier for fat cells to settle in larger spaces between the fibers. Also, the genetic factor largely determines the rate of metabolic processes on which the work of fibroblasts and the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, which are the basis of strong and elastic skin, depend.

hormonal changes

The female hormone estrogen plays a role in the regulation of elasticity in the upper fascial layer and the distribution of fat and water. It is actively growing at the beginning of pregnancy, so the appearance of cellulite is absolutely understandable and is caused by changes in the hormonal background. In general, the appearance of cellulite at a young age in a woman indicates her childbearing ability (high estrogen levels), while in men, on the contrary, it indicates decreased libido and low testosterone.

Shot from the movie “Burn After Reading”

Violation of microcirculation

Violation of microcirculation in adipose tissue slows down cellular metabolism and inhibits the removal of fluid. As a result, the volume of cells increases – they “lubricate”, attract the fibers of the connective tissue and change the skin relief. Violation of microcirculation can be detected simply by pressing a finger on the skin – the appearance of a tooth will indicate swelling.

Stress and anxiety are among the factors of microcirculation disorders. They cause spasms of muscle and blood vessels, in which tissue nutrition is disturbed and fluid accumulates. Bad habits – smoking, alcohol abuse – also cause disruption of the circulatory system.

sedentary lifestyle

Lack of physical activity also contributes to the deterioration of venous outflow by slowing down lymph circulation and metabolic processes.

The predominance of simple carbohydrates and trans fats in the diet

The body does not absorb trans fats at all, so they circulate in the blood for a long time, increasing the level of “bad” cholesterol and the risk of atherosclerosis – the formation of cholesterol deposits and atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Cholesterol, settling on the walls of blood vessels, clogs them or goes directly to fat reserves – hence the problems with the blood supply to organs and tissues, a sharp increase in subcutaneous fat and, as a result, cellulite.

Is cellulite harmful to health?

No matter how much cosmetology clinics try to make out horror stories, cellulite does not harm health. It is completely safe on its own. And Natalya Tanygina, an endocrinologist, believes that there is even a benefit from it – it shows that not everything can be right in the body, which means you need to take a closer look at your lifestyle.

Source: People Talk

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