The 10-Minute Full Circuit Workout You Can Do Anywhere in Your Home – Expert Advice

The 10-Minute Full Circuit Workout You Can Do Anywhere in Your Home – Expert Advice

Image credit: Shutterstock

The new year is coming and if you want to get motivated you are in luck because Eric Von Fröhlichfounder of Home Y Electronic viewfinder performanceshared with hollywood life EXCLUSIVELYthe effective 10 minute full body workout that will get you in shape and requires no equipment.

You can follow Eric’s 10 minute cycle below:

“Keep your eye on a clock.
1. “Choose a cardio station from the following: stair running, jump rope, jumping jacks, jogging in place.
2. “After the first minute, squat for one minute.
3. “Repeat your cardio station.
4. “After the third minute, do push-ups for one minute.
5. “Repeat your cardio station.
6. “After the 5th minute, hold an iron for one minute.
7. “Repeat or change your heart rate station.
8. “After the seventh minute, repeat the squat for one minute.
9. “Repeat your cardio station.
10. “After the ninth minute, hold an iron for one minute.
11. “Do lunges on each side to stretch.”

Eric Von Frohlich, Founder of Row House & EVF Performance, shared with HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY, the effective 10 minute full body workout that will get you in shape and requires no equipment. (Shutterstock)

If you’re looking for a workout that’s a little less intense but takes longer, Eric has shared his 30-minute low-impact cardio circuit.

“Use an indoor rowing machine, indoor bike, or rebound machine for 8 minutes of cardio. Do the following for 2 minutes:
1. “10 squats, 10 walks, 10 pushups, 30 second plank. repeat up to 2 minutes.
2. “Use an indoor rowing machine, indoor bike, or jumper for 8 minutes of cardio.
3. “10 squats, 10 walks, 10 pushups, 30 second plank. repeat up to 2 minutes.
4. “Use an indoor rowing machine, indoor bike, or jumper for 8 minutes of cardio.
5. “10 squats, 10 walks, 10 pushups, 30 second plank. repeat up to 2 minutes.

As for some quick ways to exercise when you don’t feel like working out or don’t have enough time, Eric suggests: “Take a walk around the block to get some fresh air or take a call while walking.” Other ways to motivate yourself, Eric revealed, are: “Turn on your music… it will always motivate you! Put on your workout clothes when you’re ready in the morning, or even sleep in them.”

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Source: Hollywood Life

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