
Blonde (Netflix): Does Ana de Armas really sing in the Marilyn Monroe movie?

Blonde (Netflix): Does Ana de Armas really sing in the Marilyn Monroe movie?

Ana de Armas did some important work before getting into Marilyn Monroe’s skin for Blonde, which premiered on Netflix Wednesday. But did he go so far as to sound in the singing scenes? Reply !

Based on the book by Joyce Carol Oates, Blond hair It tells a fictionalized version of Marilyn Monroe’s life and career. Mixing fiction and fact, Andrew Dominik’s film deals specifically with the dark side of the Hollywood sex symbol and explores both its hypersexuality and its tendency to self-destruct. While Naomi Watts, then Jessica Chastain, was announced on the skin of the person whose real name is Norman Jean, the director eventually turned to a rising Hollywood starlet. So Andrew Dominik offered this golden role, which is as important as it is sensitive, to Ana de Armas, whom he discovered in the movie. knock Knock Eli Roth’s photo.

If the young Cuban-Spanish actress deceptively looks like Marilyn Monroe on screen—and that’s just thanks to makeup, wigs, dentures, and contact lenses—she didn’t go so far as to feature the song in the movie’s musical scenes. The movie is on Netflix for a few days. Contrary to what one might think, she did the replay and was voiced by Vanessa Lemonides, a dubbing, singer, and actress who specifically lends herself to the characters in the series. Dora the Explorer and movies Rio 2 and Ice Age 4: Continental Drift.

Ana de Armas worked over 9 months to reproduce Marilyn Monroe’s voice on screen and erase her accent. “ I’ve tried ! It took just 9 months of polish coaching and practice, as well as several ADR sessions (the fact of re-recording audio sequences in post-production for certain scenes, editor’s note). It was a great torture, very tiring. my brain is burned”he explained on Sundays.

I saw Norma Jean faster than I saw Marilyn. I could feel it in my body. (…) One’s voice has many characteristics. It is not just an accent, a pitch or a breath. He can imitate someone very well and may not have a soul. I wanted to get as close to his voice as possible, but if that voice made no sense, it meant nothing to me.”he also trusted Variation.

Clara Kolodny

Source: Programme Television

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