Large families, life in XXL It has shed a lot of light on the tribes that have joined or have joined. This is the case of Amandine Pellissard, for example, but also Camille Santoro, who reached almost one million subscribers on Instagram and launched her pajama brand for kids with that audience. Olivia Gayat also said that all these news in the media allowed her to acquire and especially build a larger house than she had hoped with her personal savings.
“It was an amazing adventure”
Only here, the flip side of the coin is sometimes brutal, especially on social networks where malicious comments are sometimes in order. The Servières are part of the family that carries the brunt of this daily, compared to the Flanders family known as the idiots on The Simpsons a few days ago. For example, it can be read: “Servers really cross Teubé”, “Servers are ashamed! It looks like a cattle truck in their commercial vehicle, all in it!” but also “Servieres girls laugh stupidly like their mothers!”. And the person most placed for the rank is indeed Laetitia, the mother of the family. “It’s ridiculous, it’s a shame”, “Mom Servieres can’t stand her laughing anymore, she’s laughing hard” or even “Actually, the biggest black spot of the Servieres family is the mother who smiles every 2 minutes”, we read on the blue bird network.
Therefore, some will be delighted to learn that the family will no longer be a part of the TF1 show… Having embraced a new child last July, the tribe has already earned a lot of criticism for claiming it is the XXL family with XXS. Internet users do not understand why the couple continued to procreate with little financial means. Yesterday, Thursday, September 22nd, Servières posted dramatic news for her fans on her Instagram account. They said, “Tonight is very emotional, it’s time to stock up. This is the last broadcast…” And in conclusion: “It was an incredible adventure that made us have you in our lives. You carry us every day”.
Kahina Boudjdjdj
Source: Programme Television
I’m Roger Gritton, and I’ve been writing for the The Fashion Vibes for over 5 years now. My specialty is beauty news; I’m passionate about covering the latest trends, products, and innovations in the industry. In my time there, I’ve become known as an authority on all things beauty-related.
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