
William Leymergie: "It took a while for viewers to realize that I wasn’t retired yet."

William Leymergie: "It took a while for viewers to realize that I wasn’t retired yet."

It’s been six years since you’ve come to lunch with class and a smile. After a difficult start, the magazine experienced remarkable growth.

Since launch, your daily magazine has seen an audience increase of 20%, attracting an average of 287,000 viewers for a 3.2% viewer share. He even became the leader of TNT during this time period. Would he have reached puberty?

William Leymergie: When I left France Télévisions, it took some time for the audience to realize that I wasn’t retired yet. This latency was helpful for us in improving the program. Thus, we were able to work on some adjustments to deliver a quality magazine that meets the expectations of the public today.

What changes did you make?

In the beginning we did not gather around the table. Columnists interviewed the landlord on a rotating basis. Everything was a little “sad”. At that time, we discussed all kinds of issues, not knowing whether it fit the wishes of the people or not. We have adopted the formula of a daily life magazine that focuses on the art of living, gastronomy, home, law, economy, health, gardening. We understand that the public expects expertise and advice on these issues.

You knew how telematineSurround yourself with a good team of columnists. By what criteria do you choose them?

I like that columnists already have experience in the media and at the same time practice a profession in their field of expertise. For law we have Roland Perez, a lawyer in economics, Alexandra Fohrer, who works at a financial firm, and Brigitte Milhau, a doctor for health. My role is to respond to them in 6 minutes as clearly and precisely as possible, with sincerity and good humor. Since September, I tend to quit more often. I claim the right to be funny!

After working in the mornings for over thirty years, what difference does the fact of working at noon now make for you?

I’m getting up a little later. I’m an indomitable early riser, it’s in my DNA.

Gives time to watch telematine2 on France… What do you think about the current formula?

Sometimes I take a look. It was done perfectly. They knew how to adapt to changes wisely.

You are undoubtedly one of the best dressed animators in the PAF. Where does this elegance come from?

I always dressed alone. I am my own model. I got to get this from my dad, who I’ve never seen messy. And then I realize that this is a respect we owe the audience.

This elegance XV. We even find it in Mirebalais or forbidden love, your first novel with Albin Michel, set in the Louis era. Will there be a sequel?

Yes, I am preparing a second one, which will take place in our time and will include the descendants of the hero. Moreover, I dream that Mirebalais has been adapted for the cinema… Shout out to the producers!


Source: Programme Television

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