
Koh-Lanta: Failed casting? Denis Brogniart and Alexia Laroche-Joubert explain why you should persist

Still not selected to join Koh-Lanta? This is why it is absolutely necessary to insist…

Dreaming of joining Koh-Lanta? Don’t be discouraged! Indeed, Alexia-Laroche Joubert and Denis Brogniart, some of whom have been discussing the process of nominating applicants for many years, at a press conference for the launch of the 2023 edition called “Holy Fire”. This is the case this season, especially for Emin or Célia, who has been applying every year for 14 years!

With between 25,000 and 35,000 applications each year, these thousands of people who want to do Koh-Lanta surely have lots of great profiles. underlines Denis Brogniart before adding: “ Casting is also a balance. So at some point, your personality, your motivation, your beliefs, perhaps better fit into the overall cast of a season. And maybe your file comes in more substantial than in previous years.S”. ” This is why we tell candidates that failure is not a barrier and they should continue to submit their applications. Assures Denis.

Reflecting the words of Alexia Laroche-Joubert, ” It’s true that someone who applies every year gives us confidence. It shows determination, the capacity to resist, and these are the overcoming values ​​that are important in Koh-Lanta. The producer of the series, who has already prepared the cast for next season, explains. ” Always a very exciting moment. All these files are processed by a company independent of us. There’s Fort Knox on the border (An ultra-secure military camp that houses the US gold reserve, editor’s note.). We only have access to the last 200 files. This is a whole selection process that is very specific. he finished.

Sarah Ibri

Source: Programme Television

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