November 24 Fiery New Moon: What to expect?

Today at 1:57 Moscow time, a new moon arrived – the first lunar day in the lunar calendar, the day when a new moon replaces the old (left) month. As a rule, it is impossible to see it at this stage – it is located on the night side to the Earth and at the same time very close to the Sun.

Astrologers call November hot because the Moon will be in Sagittarius. And how will it affect people, and what do astrologers not recommend doing during this period? Let’s talk!

November 24 is an ineffective day for individual and collective work, so astrologers do not recommend taking on new projects or starting training (vitality drops). However, this is a great time to work on yourself, solve old problems, personal growth and introspection!

The new moon also affects the body and health, so this is the most favorable moment if you are planning to diet for a long time. Astrologers recommend cleansing the body on this day, reviewing the diet and cleaning the house, and even today it will be much easier to get rid of bad habits!

Today it is better to avoid conflicts, not borrow money or anything, postpone major purchases and sales for a few days, move and change jobs.

Source: People Talk