Pigeon, Mummy and Nail: Holy Remains Protecting the Land of the Russians

Pigeon, Mummy and Nail: Holy Remains Protecting the Land of the Russians

Wherever you go in Russia, you will come across landscapes. Foreigners are surprised by the number of temples and monuments in our country. However, the oddity is that in many places and the monument has a really special aura.

The reason for this is the sacred remains that frequently save our people, and appear in the most desperate situations protected from wars.

We say which tombs and works protect the Russian territory from rivals and evil spirits, and on the contrary, which remains of almost death.

Sofia Pigeon Legend

At first glance, Veliky Novgorod has a Sophia cathedral that is not different from other Russian tombs. However, any guest will pay attention to the fact that one of the five domes is poured under one of the five domes, and a more attentive person will notice a small hairy figure. And that’s not without any reason. In 1570, tradition says Ivan made a brutal retaliation against the Novgorodians, and at that moment a pigeon was sitting on the crucifixion of the dome. This bird has long been regarded as a symbol of the purity of the Holy Spirit. From the persecution of Horer, he celebrated the dome of the temple with a gold glow and then grinded forever.

After that, he saw the signs of one of the local monks in a virgin in a dream and said: “Pigeon will be on the cross of St. Sophia, safe and city.” Since then, this pigeon has become the boss and defender of the city. During the Great Patriotic War, the German artillery damaged the dome and had to be removed. The invaders often took refuge in the temple, because they knew that the Russian people would not shoot in their tombs. Then the enemies managed to take the dome to Spain with a pigeon. But soon the fate of the residue was recognized and the Russians wanted to return it. Only in 2004, pigeon crowned the Sophia Cathedral again.

The symbol sign of the Holy Mary

In 1770, Novgorod was besieged by the United Army of 72 principles ruled by the son of Andrei Bogolyubsky Yuri. As the legend said, the excuse was an illegal tribute. Novgorodians had almost no chance of having. Archbishop John prayed carefully and the revelation landed at him during the night vigil. The voice said to him: “To take the icon of the Holy Mary to the city walls.” In the morning, he went to Ilyinsky Temple as he was ordered, but it was impossible to move the icon. Then John fell on his knees with his tears and asked for help from the icon, and suddenly the residue was defeated. When the icon came on the army, the siers did not stop the attack and did not allow the arrow to enter the image. Then God’s mother cried, the image rose on the city, and turned to confront the defenders. The army, who saw a miracle, fell into his soul by realizing whose side was aware of the divine power. Demoralize enemies fled and Prince Bogolyubsky Fratricical stopped the war.

Since then, the symbol has repeatedly saved Novgorodians who have saved the epidemic of fire plague and fire. There are many miracles about healing in his account.

Princess Ukoka

In 1993, Novosibirsk scientists in Altay discovered a mummy in a ruined and looted mound on the Ukok Plateau. The larch laid down a ice -cold lens. There were residues of horses, wool and other kitchen utensils nearby. The skeleton was determined to belong to a 25 -year -old woman. Silk was wearing a Chinese shirt, wool skirt, a fur and felt boots. There was a horse hair wig on her head and tattoos decorated the mummified body. A bathrobe, a title and gold jewelry gave high status. But then, scientists find that DNA and other findings are of Scythian origin, not Turkish. They even learned that he died of breast cancer. However, finding grew with legends.

Immediately after the excavations, the shamans recognized the Princess Ak-Kadyn in the Mummy, the guard of the gate that protects the world from the other world. The Ukok Plateau itself was always accepted as mystical: they were looking for the Scythian gold and the doors to Shambhala. Then they claimed that the princess didn’t die, but he was asleep, and if someone broke his sleep, then there is nothing good. When scientists moved the Mummy to the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the research, the nature was angry: The storm swung and the lightning shines and then floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and notes collapsed a chicken egg. Shamans decided that this was the revenge of Princess Ukok. Thanks to the protests of local inhabitants, the mummy returned to the earth at the end. Anochin. Since then, his soul has been believed to protect the region from troubles.

God’s Vladimir Mother’s Miracle Symbol

We know the eight miraculous icon of God’s mother, especially respected: Vladimir, Kazan, Tikhvinkaya, Smolenskaya, Pochaevskaya, Donskaya, Iverskaya (Moscow) and “Sign” (Novgorod). We talked about one of them above, but the Vladimir symbol is worth a separate word and is considered the main symbol of the Russian territory.

Tikhvin symbol is believed to hide and bless the northern borders. The Iveron icon is south. Pochaevskaya and Smolenskaya are protected from the west. In the east, the symbol of the mother of God’s mother is protected by the Russian territory. And in the center, the image of Vladimir God’s mother, who protects the heart of the country, arises. Moscow’s intercessor for about 600 years. The sweat of Tamerlane, Napoleon and Hitler were soldering before this sacred so.

In 1131, he was brought to Russian from Constantinople. The Story of the Miracles of the Vladimir icon of the virgin ”tells us how he carried Vladimir from the monastery in Vyshgorod, the temple of Andrei Bogolyubsky in 1159. He took his name from here.

According to legend, he appeared in a dream to Prince Andrei, the mother of God, and said: orum I don’t want my image to be moved in Rostov, but put it in Vladimir, and in this place, the Christmas Church Church. ”

In 1395, many Tamerlana army moved to Moscow. The Metropolitan Cypriot ordered the image of God’s mother to be brought to the capital, because only God was able to help the muskovites. All the people of the town, prayer St. The regiment of bringing it to Lika went out. The legend says that at the image of Tamerlan’s wife that night, it is a dream that God’s mother wants to expand the troops. Then the commander opened the troops and defeated the regions where the Enemies of the Russians lived.

During the 1812 Patriotic War, the miraculous icon was brought from Smolensk by the order of Kutuzov. The Vladimir and Iverskaya icons were surrounded by the white stone walls of the Kremlin and then brought to a military camp on the eve of the Borodino war. After that, the image returned to the assumption cathedral.

Rumor has it that in 1941, Stalin secretly ordered the planes that were a symbol on board to fly around the capital. True, historians do not agree with Vladimir, Kazan Icon or Tikhvin. The legend says that severe snowfall began and the Russian army was attacked and that he could drop the enemy troops and could block the capital road.

A nail from the Cross of the Lord

It is believed that the nail of the Lord is one of the three (according to another version, four) nails where Jesus is crucified on the cross. In 326, Queen Elena Equal -Postles went to Jerusalem to find the cross of the Lord with the nails.

One of them was stored in Georgia, but in the 17th century, the region was conquered by Persians and the residue was brought to the Holy Patriarch Filaret by Shah Abbas. As a result of the October revolution, the temple has allocated a new government, but in 2008 was returned to the church. Now this powerful work is hiding at the Savior Christ Cathedral in Moscow.

Source: People Talk

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