
Do you have a curse and how can you break it? Astrologer answers

Do you have a curse and how can you break it? Astrologer answers

Astrology studies not only the influence of stars and planets on people, but also deep energy processes. These are directly related to our situation and events in life. Sometimes it seems that problems accumulate and create a feeling of “black line”. The question arises: Does this have anything to do with the curse?

Of course, it would be easy to explain failures not by one’s own mistakes, but by the will of fate or the machinations of enemies. But in reality it is not that simple. After all, not every person decides to swear at someone, there is fear for his own soul. So what are the signs that will distinguish whether a person is harmed?

Especially for The Fashion Vibes, astrologer Galina Yanko told how you can detect the curse in the family using a natal chart, what signs you can use to understand that you are damaged, and gave advice on how to get rid of negative energy.

Galina Yanko, astrologer and clairvoyant

Energetic nature of the damage

A curse is a destructive flow of energy aimed at hindering important areas of life: health, finances or relationships. In astrology, such events are associated with tense aspects in the natal chart, which, as a rule, are activated by progressions and transits.

It often happens that the damage is of a general nature, that is, it is programmed to transmit the negativity from ancestors to descendants. It is difficult to recognize such cases on your own, since failures are sometimes perceived as ordinary everyday problems.

How to spot a curse through the natal chart

An astrologer can notice such signs in your personal chart.

– Tense aspects of Pluto and Saturn. These planets are responsible for transformation and karmic trials. If the Lunar Nodes are in hard aspects to personal planets or in the 12th or 8th house, this indicates the presence of negative influence from someone else.

– Defeat of the Moon. It is responsible for the emotional part and connection with the family. Hereditary blocking programs are indicated by the Moon’s tension with Neptune, Pluto or Uranus.

– Eclipses at important points of the map. Karmic scenarios can be activated by dark spots passing through your Ascendant, Descendant or Lunar Nodes.

– Jupiter is tense. The planet helps growth and attracts good luck, but in defeat it turns off any energy for success and prosperity.

What are the signs to know that a person is being harmed?

A still from the musical “Wicked”

Some of the most common symptoms may include:

– feeling someone’s presence: You may feel the energy of a ghostly person near you, as if someone is watching you, even if you are alone;

– problems in relationships: frequent conflicts with those closest to you, quarrels out of the blue, lack of mutual understanding;

– deterioration of health: chronic fatigue, depressive thoughts, diseases that replace each other even with treatment;

– strange dreams, nightmares: dreams that cause anxiety and anxiety and are not forgotten for a long time;

– financial problems: you lose money, you cannot save, you lose your wallet, you have problems with bank cards;

– constant failures: despite all your efforts, a series of defeats and mistakes continue in your life for a long time.

Why can a person be cursed?

A frame from the movie “Cruella”

Jealousy or hatred. Someone cannot accept that you achieve greater results than him in some areas of life and block your flow of positive energy.

Continuation of the ancestral curse. Some of your ancestors were given a strong block that will spread through generations, and at this stage it is you who will go through these tests.

Passion for black magic or occult practices. Damage may be the result of the magical influence of people who resort to witches to influence your life through special rituals.

How does astrology help identify damage?

– The exact date of birth determines the position of planets and points indicating negative programs in the natal chart.

– In karmic astrology, the method of analyzing nodes, retrograde planets and asteroids is used. It helps to find more precisely where and why a person is damaged.

– Analysis of the transits of Pluto, Saturn, Neptune through the 8th and 12th houses may indicate the accumulation of negative energy. Additionally, annual and monthly maps will tell you during which periods the blocks were strengthened.

How to remove a curse using astrology

Harmonization through planets. Each of them is responsible for a certain energy. When identifying affected celestial bodies, try to “heal” them. For example, Saturn – through putting things in order and maintaining discipline, Neptune – through meditation and water purification, Pluto – through spiritual work.

New moon and full moon periods. Make practices that will attract positive vibrations to you in the new moon and purify yourself from negativity in the waning moon.

Connection with ancestors. You should talk calmly and honestly with living relatives, forgive old mistakes, support each other. Establish a mental connection with the dead through meditation, acceptance, and gratitude to family.

Astrological calculation. It helps you choose suitable dates for important events. It shows which stones and metals can be used for protection according to your birth chart.

Source: People Talk

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