An OnlyFans model invited women around the world to “kiss the bush for the summer” and flaunt her hairy locks on the beach.

Aimee, 21, quit her babysitting job to become a full-time bad model on the adult membership site.

She certainly isn’t shy about showing off her body on the platform, including her hair.

The Australian bombshell decided to stop shaving after reaching puberty as a teenager and has since become a veteran of natural beauty.

But going against the norm of having a hairless intimate area leads to negativity; Previously, Aimee revealed that she was described as “disgusting” for growing pubic hair.

woman holding her buttocks in one piece

However, society’s trolls and beauty standards don’t detract from Aimee’s love for her bush, and they’re certainly not convincing her to start cutting early.

The brown bomb claimed that women shouldn’t be afraid to expose their fur to the sun, no matter what they think.

In an exclusive interview with the, the hair enthusiast talked about how she learned to hug her bush and admits she loves seeing it pop out from under her bikini.

Aimée preached: “The bush should be embraced in summer, winter, autumn and spring!

“Haha, a season shouldn’t define how, why or when body hair should be hugged… but for the record, no hair or hair… wear that dear kini and enjoy the glorious sunshine!

“Own your bush, hug your bush and love in your bush. It’s a beautiful, earthy, wild and sexy part of becoming a woman!

“I will always be an advocate of body hair and razor ditching, but do what makes you feel comfortable and sexy, whether it’s wearing mammoth woolly hair like me, cutting your sideburns, shaving your hair. undress or take everything off … ALWAYS do what makes you feel sexy!

But Aimee wasn’t even so sure about her hair.

She shared: “At this point, I’m not really doing anything to make it ‘bikini’.

woman posing by the swimming pool

“Cuando was más joven, solía afeitarme las líneas del bikini debido a las social pressures y ‘hacía que otras personas se sintieran incómodas’, but ahora no podría importarme menos si el vello natural de mi cuerpo que se muestra a través de mi bikini offende to someone.

“To be honest, now I think my bush is super sexy; so i like to see her come out from under my swimwear!

“How times have changed! “

But Aimee isn’t content to leave her bush to herself: the X-rated model likes to give her some TLC every now and then …

“I’ve never had a problem with my bush getting too hot… and the thought of it being unhygienic makes me laugh out loud.

“Hygiene and body hair are by no means synonymous, despite what many affect society would like to believe.

“From time to time, I shampoo and condition my bush!

“Make sure you wash only the ‘party on the forehead’, not near its sensitive parts.

“I think it makes my bush a little softer and honestly it’s fun to do haha!”

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