What will Mercury and Venus retrograde in Virgo and Leo bring between August 5 and August 29, 2024?

What will Mercury and Venus retrograde in Virgo and Leo bring between August 5 and August 29, 2024?

Before we had time to prepare for the retrograde of Neptune and Saturn, Mercury appeared on the horizon again, and it will also move in the opposite direction – this time in Virgo, and then in Leo. And this position of the celestial bodies will remain almost all of August, from the 5th to the 29th.

In 2024, Mercury was already in retrograde from April 1 to April 25. This event is known to greatly affect many aspects of our lives, such as trade, flying, business meetings, negotiations. And this time, each zodiac sign will face certain challenges. We learned exactly what they are from an astrologer.

Astrologist Natalya Vasina exclusively told The Fashion Vibes what can and cannot be done during Mercury retrograde from August 5 to 29, and also gave recommendations for each zodiac sign separately.

Natalya Vasina, astrolog

How will Mercury and Venus retrograde in Virgo and Leo affect us?

A still from the movie “The Shining”
A still from the movie “The Chronicles of Riddick”
A still from the movie “The Chronicles of Riddick”

The second cycle of Mercury retrograde begins on August 5 this year and ends on August 29. The planet will retrograde in Virgo until August 15, after which it will move into Leo.

Let’s remember that retrograde is the period when a planet starts moving in the opposite direction of the sign it was in before. From August 5 to August 15, Mercury is in its home sign, Virgo, or “at home.” The calm and practical Virgo always calms down and brings some sense to restless Mercury, forcing us to think more realistically and seriously. Mercury is the planet of compromises and agreements; in Virgo, it takes on the qualities of a know-it-all and a tactician. Therefore, it is important for all signs to double-check their documents. You can also make new deals on favorable terms.

Also, Mercury is in conjunction with Venus in Virgo during this period. Venus is the planet of love, beauty and material wealth, but in Virgo it is in a weak position – it is just learning to express itself, its feelings and needs more openly. In the period from August 5 to 10, it is especially good to work with your fears and complexes that do not allow you to express yourself, to shine with your talents and intellectual abilities. If you have been thinking about going to a psychologist for a long time, learning something new or changing your qualities or image, then this is a good time. From August 11, Mercury will return to Leo, where it is weak, and will stay there until August 29. During this period, a person may experience self-doubt: someone may develop an imposter syndrome, which can lead to devaluation of their achievements.

What can and cannot be done during Mercury retrograde?

A scene from the cartoon called “Fate”
A scene from the cartoon called “Fate”
A scene from the cartoon called “Fate”

In astrology, Mercury retrograde is generally considered a bad time for new beginnings in any field. However, it is much more important to consider the position of Mercury in your personal horoscope. For example, if Mercury is retrograde in your natal chart, such periods are not only scary for you personally, but can also be quite positive and influential.

We can also no longer ignore the retrograde Saturn in Pisces from June 26 to November 19, 2024. Therefore, it is better to refrain from starting new businesses, especially real estate purchases and business establishments, from August 5 to August 29. Now is the time to review your financial situation and look for better conditions, for example, for a mortgage, reassess your business strategy, double-check your counterparties and sign new agreements with partners on better terms.

At the same time, Mercury in Leo also supports the development of oratory skills and abilities. The main thing is not to be too harsh and categorical towards yourself and others, not to criticize or speak too harshly, even if the truth is on your side. Choose your words in any conversation. It is best to take a course on communication skills during this period to learn how to negotiate even with a difficult interlocutor. Also, filter information in conversations and chats, as scammers are more active during this period. Check the facts for accuracy, especially if your activities are related to promotion and communication.

The stars also advise you to safely “pull your tails up” and complete old things, even if they are not interesting to you. The conjunction of Mercury and Venus in Virgo also helps to strengthen family relationships.

And of course, the classic interpretation of Mercury retrograde in Virgo emphasizes the need to leave relationships with certain people completely in the past.

What will Mercury’s retrograde bring to the zodiac signs?

(March 21 – April 20)

Dealing with financial matters is good for Aries during this period. Ask your friends for new ideas for making money. Perhaps one of your ambitious friends is busy developing a big and promising project that you will work on together.

(April 21 – May 21)

Taurus is more enterprising than ever, and the stars only accompany the plans of the earthly sign. Your qualities such as perseverance and the art of persuasion will be especially useful. Oddly enough, even the most complicated issues and complex matters will be resolved under your pressure.

(May 22 – June 21)

The stars advise Gemini to rest. The air sign of the zodiac needs to renew vital forces more than ever and understand in which direction to move next. Think about where you want to go on vacation and find the best tickets so that you can shine and charge those around you with your energetic mood.

(June 22 – July 22)

Cancer will be able to find inner balance and support that has been missing for a long time. Any meditation practice, psychology course, body-oriented therapy will be beneficial for your health. When you get in touch with yourself, your relationships with others will improve like clockwork.

(July 23 – August 21)

Leos simply need a creative atmosphere. Therefore, a fire sign should spend more time on their hobbies. Find something that will allow you to combine business with pleasure. For example, dancing and sports will not only help you tone your body, but will also help you make active and interesting contacts.

(August 22 – September 23)

It’s time for Virgo to show their fighting qualities. The earthly sign will be able to benefit from new skills that are difficult to learn at first, such as learning a foreign language or programming. Moreover, it is best to find practical application for them in the profession – progress will not go unnoticed by colleagues and superiors.

(September 24 – October 23)

If you are planning to get the coveted higher education diploma or take retraining courses, then this is a good time. Think about what area you can grow in to become a better and more in-demand specialist. The stars favor Libra in all endeavors.

(October 24 – November 22)

It is time for Scorpios to take care of their health and develop their bodies. The Water sign of the Zodiac needs balance in the physical and spiritual spheres. Any practice that combines these two aspects will strengthen the immune system and mental health. Yoga, acupuncture and any exercise in the fresh air will give a sense of harmony so that you are “at the source” again.

(November 23 – December 22)

Sagittarius will seek financial stability during this period. True, competitors can also become more active, so you will need to prove your right to a bonus or promotion. The main thing is to be careful when working with documents and signing important contracts, and also check your e-mail so as not to miss interesting offers.

(December 23 – January 20)

Capricorns will be busy with family matters. It will be useful to communicate with children to convey the experience of growing up. It is good to communicate with older relatives. Heart-to-heart talks will bring spiritual satisfaction and strengthen family ties.

(January 21 – February 19)

Aquarians will feel a surge of creative energy, which will help them overcome the steepest peaks. It’s time to take up a hobby and set new goals. Be proactive in creative projects; success will not keep you waiting.

(January 21 – February 19)

It is good for Pisces to update their wardrobe. A new image will allow you to look at yourself from an unexpected side. It will not hurt to communicate with others. The stars advise the water sign to take up public speaking or stage art – these skills of self-presentation will never be superfluous.

Source: People Talk

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