If you look a little closer at your favorite children’s cartoons, you’ll see that they’re not so childish after all. We are sure that we are not the only ones who cried for the “Soul” of the Pixar studio a few years ago, for example, but it is not the only one in the list of such instructive cartoons. Today on Children’s Day we are talking about other children’s/adult movies.

First, for the entire hour and a half, the audience is told in capital letters on the screen: It’s time to think about protecting the environment. Secondly, this in itself is a very touching story about willpower, sincere friendship and dedication. And of course, about responsibility; not only against each other, but also against nature.

This cartoon even received recognition at the Oscars and the Golden Globes. First of all, it teaches not to betray your dreams, talks about humanity, friendship and love (we dream of the same story with Karl and Ellie). By the way, another important thing that may not be immediately noticeable is respect for the older generation, which may still surprise you!
“Toy Story: The Great Escape”

The third part of Toy Story rightfully bears the status of the best. It’s about the fact that everything will end one day and that it’s wrong to try to hold on to dead relationships (whether we’re talking about friendships or romantic relationships). As cliché as it sounds, this isn’t actually about you.

“You’re thinking of yourself. And you asked what I wanted?” – this cartoon seems to imply that you ask yourself such a question. Being yourself is the main dream of this Disney princess. She is stubborn, brave, and prefers her own path and her lover to marriage, archery (an activity unbecoming of a princess, according to the queen) and horseback riding. Just because he prefers this kind of life. Let’s take an example and challenge age-old stereotypes!
By the way, compare with the old classic cartoons, where princesses must obey unquestioningly. Do you feel the difference?
“Kung Fu Panda”

A brilliant and spiritual story about how believing in yourself really isn’t enough. Yes, there may be omissions and this is normal; Your power is to turn these to your advantage. Just like in the dragon scroll, there are no secrets.
“Coco’s Secret”

One of the most colorful Pixar cartoons about the most important thing: family. And he (get your parents away from screens) may not always be right, but you need to listen to yourself first. It also showcases so many wonderful Mexican traditions!

We trust this cartoon one hundred percent – it is approved by psychotherapists. It helps you understand what’s going on in your head, accept and understand emotions, and learn to control and manage them. “Puzzle” also suggests that you need to learn to talk and discuss everything, and not expect people around you to guess what symphony the cockroaches are playing in your head. Our favorite moment is when the hot Brazilian pilot calls out to the skies of love.

With Brave Heart, it shows how female characters change even in fairy tales. This princess is tired of sitting in the castle waiting for a handsome prince’s kiss, so she takes control of life into her own hands; He wants to explore the world, learn new things, strives for his childhood dream and is ready to do anything for it. I even slam the frying pan on a cute guy.
“Despicable Me”

Surprisingly, it is the most striking example of the fact that love is omnipotent. How else to explain Gru’s transformation from a gloomy supervillain into a loving father who rushes to his daughters’ concert immediately after Moon’s kidnapping?

Do you remember this cartoon? However, we remember and advise you to reconsider. “Volt” fits perfectly into today’s agenda and reminds us that the life we see on the screen in Hollywood movies and TV series (or even on social networks, if not in cartoons) is different from reality. And if it doesn’t have special effects, the latter is just as boring and uninteresting.
“Cold heart”

She seems like the first Disney princess we’ve heard that it’s not a good idea to marry the first person you meet. This is also a story about how you should not be ashamed of yourself (we love Elsa’s parents very much, but their intimidation and constant restrictions did not lead to anything good), a story about how first impressions can be deceiving and that it is worth giving people a chance. It’s about second chances, family, friendship and pure love. It’s okay for some people to melt down, right?

“I, Benjamin Clawhauser, so sensitive to jokes about my love of donuts, had no sense of tact.” “Zootopia” teaches us the tolerance that is so lacking in the modern world, not to be guided by fears, but to trust not only ourselves but also those around us. And of course, we can’t help but talk about friendship.

Don’t judge by appearances, put love and friendship above “beauty” and remember that for every Shrek there is a Fiona.
Source: People Talk

Errol Villanueva is an author and lifestyle journalist who writes for The Fashion Vibes. With a passion for exploring the latest trends in fashion, food, travel, and wellness, Errol’s articles are a must-read for anyone interested in living a stylish and fulfilling life.